
Dagor Bragollach, the Battle of the Sudden Flame.
- During the Winter, Morgoth breaks the Siege of Angband and the Dagor Bragollach (Battle of the Sudden Flame) starts.
- Glaurung the dragon leads forth an army of Balrogs and Orcs and the rest of Morgoth's forces make inroads into Beleriand.
- The battle claims the lives of the Edain Bregolas, Hador and his younger son Gundor (both killed defending the fortress of Barad Eithel) and also the Elves Angrod and Aegnor, sons of Finarfin.
- Galdor, son of Hador, becomes Lord of Dor-lómin and leader of the House of Hador and Barahir, brother to the fallen Bregolas, becomes lord of the House of Bëor.
- Gelmir of Nargothrond is captured by Morgoth.
- Defeat of the sons of Fëanor at the Pass of Aglond.
- Rivers of fire flow onto Ard-galen and it becomes Anfauglith, the Gasping Dust.
- Dorthonion falls under Morgoth's control. Orcs capture Caranthir's fortress on the slopes of Mount Rerir, defile Lake Helevorn and ravage Thargelion.
- Celegorm and Curufin flee Himlad for Nargothrond.
- Capture of Finrod's fortress of Minas Tirith by the forces of Sauron.
- Barahir saves Finrod Felagund and receives his ring, later called the Ring of Barahir.
- The folk of Dorthonion, among them Rían and Morwen, flee to Hithlum.
- Turgon sends messengers by sea seeking the help of the Valar but they are unsuccessful.
- Barahir wanders Dorthonion with his XII Bëorings, opposing Morgoth in their own land.