Lord of the Rings Map Game
Hello guys,
As I see many Tolkien fans on this site, I was thinking whether we would create a Map Game. It works so that at first we post a map and then players in turns make changes and make steps to change the situation. Please do not be overtly implausible.
I guess we should put the Map Game on either Fanon wiki or other fan site as not to "ruin" the encyclopedia look of this site.
Proposed map:
- Gondor
- Mordor
- Rohan
- Isengard
- Lórien
- Dol Guldur
- Eryn Lasgalen
- Erebor
- Dale
- Umbar
- Iron Hills
- Khand
- Lindon
- Harnen
- Imladris
- Rhun/Balcoth
- Eriadoran Dúnedain+Breeland
- Bellakar
- Shire
- Dunland