The One Wiki to Rule Them All
The One Wiki to Rule Them All
The One Wiki to Rule Them All

Hello, im Garycrafterman.

Ive been playing the LOTR mod for a while now and ive used this wiki alot, and i would like to propose some ideas about the updates. I was looking through the planned updates and thought that i may be able to assist. I myself would really like to see iconic movie strutures in the bets .26 update. On the planned updates, siege weapons was listed. If the creator of this mod wants to implament it you should probobaly contact the ancient warfare mod creator, that mod includes siege weaponry, gates, and also randomly spawning villages, which with the cutom buildings could be used in different areas of the world, such as rohan or gondor. An update suggestion I have would be with the siege weapons (which can have npc operators) make an emphasis on invasions, such as your aligned with gondor and mordor launches a siege against Minas Tirith.

Hope My information can Help.
