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The One Wiki to Rule Them All

Tuckborough as depicted in The Lord of the Rings Online.

Tuckborough was a location in the Westfarthing of the Shire. Being the main village of Tookland, it was where most of the Took clan resided. It was located at the western end of the Green Hill Country. The Stock Road ran eastward from Tuckborough to Stock.

This region was the site of the Great Smials, the ancestral home of the Thains.


In Karen Wynn Fonstad's Atlas of Middle-earth, Tuckborough is referred to as Tuckburrow.[1]


Foreign Language Translated name
Danish Skjulstrup
Dutch Toekburg
Finnish Tukinturku
French Tocquebourg\Bourg-de-Touque
German Tuckbergen
Hebrew טוקבורו
Hungarian Tukbánya
Italian Tucboro
Polish Tukon


  1. The Atlas of Middle-earth, Regional Maps, "The Shire"