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Tolman Cotton, better known as Farmer Cotton, Tolman, Tom, or Cotton, was a Hobbit of the Shire.


Tolman was born in TA 2941 (SR 1341) the same year Bilbo Baggins went off with Gandalf on the Quest for the Lonely Mountain. He was the father of Rosie, Tolman Jr., Wilcome (Jolly), Bowman (Nick), and Carl (Nibs). He was married to Lily Brown.

Tom lived in Bywater's South Lane. Tom was considered the "chief person round here (Bywater), and the sturdiest," and when the four hobbits of the Fellowship of the Ring returned to the Shire, Frodo sent Sam to his house to recruit him and his sons for the upcoming fight. He was Frodo's main source of information on how things stood in the Shire before the Battle of Bywater.[1]

When Sharkey's Ruffians arrived at Bywater to put down the hobbit rebellion, the first person to talk to them was Farmer Cotton. He told them they weren't wanted. After the first group of Ruffian men was subdued, he hosted Frodo, Sam and the "Gaffer" updating the travellers about the troubles before the four hobbits' return.

Tom Cotton fought in the Battle of Bywater and the "very considerable rise in the fame and fortune of the Cottons dates from this time". He, along with two dozen other hobbits, also escorted Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin to Bag End to look for Lotho Sackville-Baggins after the battle.[2]

He died in FO 20 (SR 1440).

In adaptations[]

Radio Plays[]

Video Games[]

The Lord of the Rings Online - Tolman Cotton

Tolman Cotton in The Lord of the Rings Online


Foreign Language Translated name
Amharic ቶልማን ጮቾን
Arabic تولمان كوتن
Armenian Տոլման Քոթոն
Belarusian Cyrillic Толман Котан
Bengali টলম্যান কটন
Bulgarian Cyrillic Толман Памуксън
Chinese 托勒曼·卡頓
Esperanto Tolman Kotono
French Tolman Casebonne
Frisian Tolman Katoen (Western)
Georgian ტოლმენი კოტონი
German Tolman Hüttinger
Greek Τόλμαν Κότον
Gujarati ટોલમેન કોત્તોન
Hebrew טולמאן קוטון
Hindi तोलमन कॉटन
Japanese トルマン・コットン
Kannada ಟೋಲ್ಮನ್ ಕೊತ್ತೊನ್
Kazakh Толман Коттон (Cyrillic) Tolman Kotton (Latin)
Korean 톨먼 코튼
Kyrgyz Cyrillic Толман Коттон
Latin Tolman Cottonus
Latvian Tolman Kotons
Macedonian Cyrillic Толман Котон
Malayalam ടോൾമാൻ കോട്ടൺ
Marathi टोलमन कॉटन
Nepalese टोलम्यान कोत्तोन
Pashto تولمان کاټن
Persian تولمان کاتن
Punjabi ਟੋਲਮੈਨ ਕੋਤ੍ਤੋਨ
Russian Толман Коттон
Sanskrit टोलमैन् कोत्तोन्
Serbian Толман Котон (Cyrillic) Tolman Koton (Latin)
Sinhalese ටෝල්මන් කොත්තොන්
Tajik Cyrillic Толман Коттон
Tamil தோல்மன் காட்டன்
Telugu టోల్మాన్ కాటన్
Ukrainian Cyrillic Тольман Домосіл
Urdu ٹولمین کاٹن
Yiddish טאָלמאַן כּאָטטאָן


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 The Lord of the Rings, Appendix C: Family Trees, The Longfather - Tree of Master Samwise
  2. The Lord of the Rings, The Return of the King, Book Six, Chapter VIII: "The Scouring of the Shire"