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The works of J.R.R. Tolkien have generated a body of academic research, studying different facets such as

Tolkien research is the subject of most secondary literature.


On Tolkien's languages[]

Tolkien's invented languages, especially Quenya and Sindarin the languages of Elves, have created linguistic research in the form of academic newsletters and journals, such as the Vinyar Tengwar published by the Elvish Linguistic Fellowship. These publications have discussed text fragments, notes, and essays of Tolkien that haven't been published elsewhere.

  • 1989 Plotz Quenya Declensions (written 1966/1967) Beyond Bree newsletter, VT 6, p. 14
  • 1991 Koivieneni Sentence (written ca. 1937) VT 14, p. 5–20, Mythlore 17, p. 23-30.
  • 1992 New Tengwar Inscription (written ca. 1954) VT 21, p. 6
  • 1992 Liège Tengwar Inscription (written 1954) VT 23, p. 16
  • 1993 Two Trees Sentence (written ca. 1937) VT 27, p. 7–42
  • 1993 Koivieneni Manuscript (written ca. 1937) VT 27, p. 7–42
  • 1993 Bodleian Declensions (written ca. 1936) VT 28, p. 9–30
  • 1994 The Entu Declension (written ca. 19241929) VT 36, p. 8–29
  • 1995 Gnomish Lexicon (written ca. 1917) PE 11
  • 1995 Rúmilian Document (written 1919) VT 37, p. 15–23
  • 1998 Qenya Lexicon (written ca. 1915) PE 12
  • 1998 Osanwe-kenta, Enquiry into the communication of thought (ed. Hostetter, composed in 1960) VT 39
  • 1999 Narqelion (written 1915/1916) VT 12, p. 16–17, VT 40, p. 5–32
  • 2000 Qenya Grammar Fragment (ca. 19241929) Elfling mailing list, digest nr. 34
  • 2000 Etymological Notes — Osanwe-kenta (written 19591960) VT 41, p. 5–6
  • 2000 From The Shibboleth of Fëanor (written ca. 1968) VT 41, p. 7–10 (A part of the Shibboleth of Fëanor was published in The Peoples of Middle-earth, p. 331–366)
  • 2000 Notes on Óre (written ca. 1968) VT 41, p. 11–19
  • 2000 Quenya Dedication (written 1968) Elfling mailing list, 11 May.
  • 2000 Merin Sentence (written ca. 1937) TT 14, p. 32–35
  • 2001 The Rivers and Beacon-hills of Gondor (written 19671969) VT 42, p. 5–31 (Referred to in Unfinished Tales)
  • 2001 Essay on negation in Quenya (written ca. 1970) VT 42, p. 33–34
  • 2001 Goldogrim Pronominal Prefixes (written ca. 1917) PE 13 p. 97
  • 2001 Early Ñoldorin Grammar (written ca. 19201925) PE 13, p. 119–132
  • 2001 Comparison of Adjectives (written after 1915) TT 16, p. 23–28
  • 2002 Elvish translations of Catholic prayers (ed. Patrick Wynne, Arden Smith, Carl F. Hostetter), composed in the 1950s:
    • Ataremma versions (Quenya Pater Noster) versions I-VI, VT 43, 4–26, TT 18
    • Aia María (Quenya Ave Maria) versions I–IV, VT 43, 26–36, TT 18
    • Litany of Loreto in Quenya, VT 44, p. 11–20
    • Ortírielyanna (Quenya Sub Tuum Praesidium) VT 4, p. 5–11
    • Alcar i Ataren (Quenya Gloria Patri) VT 43, p. 36–38
    • Alcar mi tarmenel na Erun (Quenya Gloria in Excelsis Deo) VT 44, p. 31–38
    • Ae Adar Nín (Sindarin Pater Noster) VT 44, p. 21–30

The VT material published at in increasing rate during the early 2000s is from the stock of linguistic material in the possession of the Elfcon group (some 3000 pages according to Elfcon members), consisting of copies sent them by Christopher Tolkien and copies made in the Bodleian Library around 1992.

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