The Tolkien Society of Italy (or Associazione Italiana Studi Tolkieniani, abbreviated AIST) is a society in Italy aiming to promote the work of J.R.R. Tolkien and stimulate intellectual engagement with such work and the Middle-earth legendarium, similarly to the Tolkien Societies of England and of other countries. It was founded in the late 2010's, and was formerly called the Roman Association of Tolkien Studies.
- "The Association's areas of investigation are closely linked to the specific skills of its members, and its purposes are exclusively literary and artistic. The works of the professor of Oxford are also a starting point to learn about other coeval literary works and authors who followed the same artistic path as him. The Association is also open to collaboration with other organizations that have similar purposes, in Italy and abroad."
- —Robert Arduini, stating the purpose of AIST (translated from the original)
The editor of The Battle of Maldon, together with The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth (2023), Peter Grybauskas, had once collaborated with AIST.
This society is not to be confused with the Società Tolkieniana Italiana, or Italian Tolkien Society.
External links[]
- Official website
- Chronology of Italian editions of Tolkien's works