The One Wiki to Rule Them All
The One Wiki to Rule Them All
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Tol Harndor is an Australian "smial" (subdivision) of the Tolkien Society.

Its total membership is unknown.


Tol Harndor was founded on May 1, 1996. Its purpose is to "discuss, discover and delight" in all the works of J.R.R. Tolkien by all available means. The group has promoted the reading of Tolkien's works through writings, book sales, interviews on the radio and the television, and the internet. The group has had its own journal known, Tilkal, since around 2001 published from time to time, and a discussion group on Google.

Tol Harndor held two known seminars; one on August 25, 2007 and the other in August 28, 2010, both in Australia. The group has inclusive membership: membership of the broad Tolkien Society is not required.

Key members[]

  • Michael Kennedy (President)
  • David Powell (Webmaster and Editor-in-chief of Tilkal)


Tol Harndor is Quenya for 'Southland Island', referring to Australia.

External links[]
