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The One Wiki to Rule Them All
The One Wiki to Rule Them All
Three Farthing Stone

Three Farthing Stone and a senior Hobbit (The Lord of the Rings Online)

The Three Farthing stone marked the point where the Westfarthing, Southfarthing, and Eastfarthing met.


It lay on the Great East Road that ran through the Shire between Bywater and Green-Hill Country. Here, close to the center of the Shire, Sam Gamgee tossed what remained of the dirt from Galadriel's garden into the air to help repair the damage Sharkey and his men had done.[1][2]

In adaptations[]

Online games[]

The Three Farthing stone is seen in the The Lord of the Rings Online.


Foreign Language Translated name
Bulgarian Cyrillic Камък на трите околии
Danish Trefjerdingstenen
Dutch Driekwartierensteen
Finnish Kolmen neljännyksen kivi
French Pierre des Trois Quartiers
German Drei-Viertel-Stein
Hebrew אבן שלוש הנפות
Italian Pietra dei Tre Decumani
Polish Kamień Trzech Ćwiartek
Ukrainian Cyrillic Тричвертний Камінь

