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The One Wiki to Rule Them All
The One Wiki to Rule Them All
Tarn Aeluin

Tar Aeluin, by David Greset

Tarn Aeluin, or simply Aeluin, was the name given by the Grey-elves and Edain to a small, clear lake in the center of the highlands of eastern Dorthonion, at the entrance of the shallow pass leading to Ladros in Beleriand.[1]

It is said to have been hallowed by Melian the Maia. It was here that Barahir and his XII Bëorings hid from Morgoth's forces after the Dagor Bragollach.[2]


Tarn Aeluin was Sindarin for 'Blue-mere'.[3]

Lakes of Arda

Bywater Pool | Forbidden Pool | Gollum's water | Great Lake | Kheled-zâram (Mirrormere) | Lake Evendim | Lake Helevorn | Lake Mithrim | Linaewen | Long Lake | Lórellin | Nen Hithoel | Nísinen | Tarn Aeluin


Foreign Language Translated name
Bulgarian Cyrillic Тарн Аелуин
Chinese (Hong Kong) 艾露因
Georgian ტარნ აელუინი (Tarn Aeluin)

აელუინი (Aeluin)

Hebrew (Aeluin) איילואין
Russian Тарн Аэлуин


  1. The Atlas of Middle-earth, The First Age, The Elder Days, "Beleriand and the Lands to the North"
  2. The Complete Tolkien Companion
  3. The Complete Guide to Middle-earth