Welcome to the LOTR SBG talk page this page is primarily used for discussion on and about the game itself, painting, and strategies deployed. If you would like any personal suggestions from an old vet. you can post here or on Ryan Fett's talk page. Enjoy.
For anyone interested a new expansion for the game will soon be released on this site if anyone is interested in this expansions rules or particulars please leave a note on Ryan Fett's talk page.
- The Giant Spiders are the best. two S5 attacks? WOO.
Actually for a non-unique unit I would say Mordor Trolls are the best with their 3 attacks at 7 strength along with their defense of 7.
Ryan Fett 15:55, 21 August 2007 (UTC)
- BUT they are hefty in points vailue, and not as cool. Demon spiders are much cooler. I would know, I have an army of them.
- How many pts are the spiders again? I dont have the book with their stats.
- 25 for spiders, 75 for the queen and 90 for shelob. Worth every point... --Sam Kay 19:48, 7 September 2007 (UTC)
- Gotta admit thats pretty good. Do you play the creatures of mirkwood and Dol Guildar often? That is the main team that I have little experience with. I personally play a lot of Easterlings and Haradrim and used to play Gondor, gotta say the best new unit is the haradrim Serpent Riders. They have poisened lances that allow them to re-roll all 1's when attapmting to wound which means they wound a Urik-Hai w/shield on a 5 or 6, but also re-rolls ones making it have nearly a 50/50 chance instead of a 1-in-3 chance plus they get the cavalry bonuses (against anyone with a 4 or 5 def they need a 4+). So I think they are definately worth 13 pts.
Ryan Fett
- Gotta admit thats pretty good. Do you play the creatures of mirkwood and Dol Guildar often? That is the main team that I have little experience with. I personally play a lot of Easterlings and Haradrim and used to play Gondor, gotta say the best new unit is the haradrim Serpent Riders. They have poisened lances that allow them to re-roll all 1's when attapmting to wound which means they wound a Urik-Hai w/shield on a 5 or 6, but also re-rolls ones making it have nearly a 50/50 chance instead of a 1-in-3 chance plus they get the cavalry bonuses (against anyone with a 4 or 5 def they need a 4+). So I think they are definately worth 13 pts.
- Just the spiders. And I play 40k more often than LotR... I find teaming spiders with goblins works well, and spiders work well against uruks. It's mostly the fact that they are spiders that gets me playing them. I like spiders alot (see my user page)! Sadly normal spiders (the 25pt ones) don't count as cavalry. But full movement in difficult terrain? That's nice! --Sam Kay 15:04, 8 September 2007 (UTC)
IS the LOTR-Tabletop game and the Games Workshop storybooks of LOTR official? A Part of the story? Kanonical? LP4ever28 17:39, November 5, 2009 (UTC)