The One Wiki to Rule Them All
The One Wiki to Rule Them All

Age's end[]

First, Fourth age ends with the "Dagor Dagorath". Morgoth returns when the Powers are weak, and destroys the Sun and the Moon. The last and most catastrophic battle ends when Tulkas, fights with Melkor, but then appears Túrin, killing melkor and revengin Hador´s house. Second, Tolkien never speaks about a conection between Arda's Ages and ours. - (talk) 00:40, 9 May 2009‎ (UTC)

Proof? Wjxhuang, the 888th Avatar {Talk} 07:47, 9 May 2009 (UTC)

Date format[]

I think this website should have a consistent policy for whether we use dates in the SR or TA/FO formats. For the Fourth Age, I propose that dates should be given in the SR format and should all link to SR articles, and corresponding FO articles should merely be redirects to the SR articles. You can make a case that it should be the other way around, but I think it should be one or the other. For the Third Age, I propose that dates should be given in the TA format and should all link to TA articles, and corresponding SR articles should merely be redirects to the TA articles. That's how they're listed in Return of the King's Appendix B. If people are ok with that, I'll make the changes myself. But right now there's no consistency on this website. For example:

We have articles for both SR 375 and TA 1975 even though they're the same year. The articles say similar things, but there are some differences.

But the article for SR 379 is just a redirect to TA 1979.

There is no article for SR 1414, even though there is an article for TA 3014, which is the same year.

There is no article for TA 2974, even though there is an article for SR 1374, which is the same year.
- Endgame091834 (talk) 18:40, 18 June 2022 (UTC)

I worked with one of the admins, and these issues have now been resolved. - Endgame091834 (talk) 07:35, 17 July 2022 (UTC)