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The One Wiki to Rule Them All
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Osgiliath, Västerås Tolkiensällskap is a Swedish Tolkien Society based in the city of Västerås.


Osgiliath, Västerås Tolkiensällskap was founded at an unrevealed time by an unnamed person or persons. They are a literary group as well as a social club for Tolkien enthusiasts. They read Tolkien's books to each other sometimes in his invented languages. Their other activities includes things unique things like role-playing, sword-fighting, costume-play, many of which are homemade, arts, crafts, dances, and banquets.

They are governed democratically by the decisions of the sole ruling regent. Ranks and titles are Grand Masters, nobility, people and novices. The group holds a general meeting every year. Membership is apparently open to all Swedish people with no given age limit. A new member must go through proficiency test at which time they will choose an alias in the group who specializes in certain skills. Membership fees are collected in May.

They only named people of the group are Princess consort Ilyéna (Ilyena Milome) and Maria Byquist?

As of 2010, the group may be inactive with updates to their website last being done on May 15, 2008 and the last event on their calender being a banquet held on February 7, 2009. Their website is presented in Swedish only.

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