The Olórë Mallë, also known as the Path of Dreams, was a path made by the Vala Irmo from Valinor to Middle-earth.
After the The Hiding of Valinor, Manwë sent Lórien to create a path leading to Valinor. When the Children of Ilúvatar sleep, their spirit is guided by Lórien to his gardens, the fairest place in the world, where they would rest until Lórien returned them to their bodies at morning, or when they needed to awaken.
The Olórë Mallë was a lane of deep banks and great overhanging hedges, beyond which stood many tall trees wherein a perpetual whisper seemed to live. It ran past the Cottage of Lost Play, through a lane of whispering elms until it reached the sea. Great glow-worms crept about its grassy borders. At the end of the lane stood a high gate of lattice-work that shone golden in the dusk. The gate opened up to winding paths leading into the fairest of all the gardens, the Gardens of Lórien. In The Lord of the Rings, Legolas was seen sleeping here but still fully aware of his surroundings, because his mind was in the waking dream of the Olórë Mallë. The only time mortals could see the beauty of Valinor and of the Gardens of Lórien was if, during sleep, their spirits traveled the Olórë Mallë.[citation needed]
Foreign Language | Translated name |
Danish | Olórë Mallë ("Drømmenes Sti") |