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"neek-breek, breek-neek"
The Fellowship of the Ring, "A Knife in the Dark"[1]

Neekerbreekers were abominable and over-grown[2] cricket-like insects that haunted the reeds and tussocks of the Midgewater Marshes.[1]


Though the exact origin of these creatures is untold, it was said that they "were evil relatives of the cricket" because of the sound that they made, which was "shriller… and even more persistent"[2] then one. On October 2 in the year 3018 of the late Third Age, Strider and the Hobbits made camp for the night in the Midgewater Marshes on their way to Weathertop Hill. In addition to being plagued by an uncomfortable camping-place and insect bites, there were reportedly thousands of Neekerbreekers that "squeaked all round…unceasingly all the night", annoying the Hobbits in particular and driving them frantic. Most of the group found themselves unable to sleep because of them. During the next night, though still uncomfortable, the air was devoid of the sound of Neekerbreekers, since the travelers had left them behind. It was that night that Samwise Gamgee called the creatures Neekerbreekers, though it is untold whether he invented this name or actually knew their name.[1]


"Neekerbreeker" was an onomatopoeic "invented insect-name" that was supposed to sound similar to the sound emitted by crickets.[3]

In other versions[]

In an early draft, the creatures known as Neekerbreekers were unnamed and were explicitly identified as being "cousins of the cricket".[2]

In adaptations[]

Middle-earth Role Playing[]

In the 1994 Creatures of Middle-earth: A Bestiary of Animals and Monsters supplement of the Middle-earth Role Playing game, Neekerbreekers are described as being 1-2 inches tall, solid meat carnivores, and "relatives of the mosquito" instead of the cricket. They are attracted by waybread and foul swamps. Neekerbreekers can spread an illness known as Yellow Rheum through bites.[4]

The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game[]

In a card set called The Nîn-in-Eilph in The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game, one of the enemy cards is called "Neekerbreekers" which if used, causes a player to deal two damage to a controlled ally.[5]

The Lord of the Rings Online[]

Neekerbreekers appear in many locations throughout The Lord of the Rings Online.[6] While most appear hostile, one Neekerbreeker named Sniken[7] was taken as a pet by a Bree-lander named Roderik Neeker-friend.[8] Roderick tasks the player character with hunting sickle-fly wings to provide food for Sniken. When Roderick tries feeding the wings to Snicken, his hands are nearly purposefully bitten off.[9]


It is possible that these creatures were related to the Gryllidae cricket family,[10] or that they represented Katydids or a similar locust from the Acrididae family.

External links[]


Foreign Language Translated name
Amharic ኘአከርብሬከርስ
Arabic نييكيربرييكيرس
Armenian Նէկերբրէկերս
Bengali নিকেরবারীকের্স
Bulgarian Cyrillic Никеркеркърс
Finnish Skikirikittäjät
French Nicbricqueurs
Georgian ჭრიჭკრიკები
German Zirperkirper
Greek Νεεκερβρεεκερσ
Gujarati નેકરબ્રીકર્સ
Hebrew ןייכירברייכירס
Hindi णेएकेर्ब्रेएकेर्स
Kyrgyz Cyrillic Нээкэрбрээкэрс
Macedonian Cyrillic Неекербреекерс
Malayalam നെക്കാബീക്ക്രിക്സേഴ്സ്
Marathi नेकर्सब्रिकर्स
Nepalese णेएकेर्ब्रेएकेर्स
Persian نههکهربرههکهرس ?
Portuguese (Brazil) Crique-craques
Punjabi ਨਿੱਕਰਬਰਕਰਜ਼
Russian Кровопросцы
Sanskrit णेएकेर्ब्रेएकेर्स्
Serbian Неекербреекерс (Cyrillic) Neekerbreekers (Latin)
Sinhalese ණේකෙර්බ්‍රේකෙර්ස්
Spanish (Spain and Latin America) Niquebriques
Tajik Cyrillic Некирбрееклер
Tamil நீக்கீர்பிரேக்கேர்ஸ்
Telugu నీకెర్బరీకేర్స్
Ukrainian Cyrillic Цвібрики
Yiddish נעעקערברעעקערס


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 The Lord of the Rings, Vol. I: The Fellowship of the Ring, Book One, Ch. XI: "A Knife in the Dark", pg. 195
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 The History of Middle-earth, Vol. VI: The Return of the Shadow, The First Phase, IX: "Trotter and the Journey to Weathertop", pg. 166
  3. The Lord of the Rings: A Reader's Companion, "Nomenclature of The Lord of the Rings", pg. 760
  4. Creatures of Middle-earth: A Bestiary of Animals and Monsters (2nd edition), pgs. 17-20
  5. The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game, The Nîn-in-Eilph
  6. Neekerbreekers on
  7. Sniken on
  8. Roderik Neeker-friend on
  9. Quest:Neeker-friend on
  10. Neekerbreekers on The Encyclopedia of Arda