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Middle-earth Enterprises, formerly Tolkien Enterprises, is a company which functions as a division of the Embracer Group. It controls the worldwide film, stage, and merchandise rights to J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit.


Tolkien sold the rights to his published Middle-earth works to United Artists in 1968, who in turn sold them to Saul Zaentz in 1976. In 1978, Tolkien Enterprises produced the animated version of The Lord of the Rings, directed by Ralph Bakshi, which covered approximately the first half of The Lord of the Rings. In 2001 - 2003 Peter Jackson filmed the whole Lord of the Rings trilogy under license from Tolkien Enterprises, which would win 17 Academy Awards and numerous other international and national awards.

In 1999, Tolkien Enterprises ended their licensing agreement with Iron Crown Enterprises for role-playing games set in Middle-earth, after Iron Crown Enterprises ceased developing new products for this line. This contributed to Iron Crown Enterprises' filing for bankruptcy in 2001. Tolkien Enterprises then made a new licensing agreement with Decipher Inc. for their Lord of the Rings Roleplaying Game.

In 2002, Tolkien Enterprises took part in making the video game The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, which was based on the book, not on the film. Then, in 2003, Tolkien Enterprises took part in the making of The Hobbit video game, which was for a younger age group.

Following this, in August 2004, Tolkien Enterprises sued New Line Cinema for over $20 million in unpaid royalties, based on the difference between gross and net profits for The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, and the exact terms of the royalty arrangement between Tolkien Enterprises and New Line Cinema. An out-of-court settlement was reached in August 2005, details of which were not released.

In 2022 the Swedish holding company Embracer Group bought Middle-earth Enterprises, along with the rights for The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit adaptations.[1]

It was announced in May of 2023 that Amazon Games acquired rights to develop a The Lord of the Rings MMO video game, equivalent to The Lord of the Rings Online.[2]


Games such as The Lord of the Rings: Conquest and Electronic Arts' The Battle for Middle-earth series, and LEGO The Lord of the Rings: The Video Game are licensed by Middle-earth Enterprises, and so feature copyrighted property from the films such as Howard Shore's soundtrack, the gold title wordmark, and/or resemblances of characters in the film trilogy.

Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor, its sequel, and The Lord of the Rings: War of the Ring are examples of video games not licensed under them, and thus share no artistic resemblance to the films.



Foreign Language Translated name
Afrikaans Midde-aarde Ondernemings
Albanian Toka e mesme Ndërmarrjet
Armenian Միջերկիր Ձեռնարկություններ
Azerbaijani Orta yer Şirkətlər
Basque Erdialdeko Lurraldea Enpresak
Belarusian Cyrillic Міжзем'е кампаніямі
Bengali মধ্য পৃথিবী মালিকানায় ?
Bosnian Srednja zemlja Preduzeća
Bulgarian Cyrillic Средна земя предприятия
Catalan Terra Mitjana Empreses
Cebuano Tunga-tunga-yuta Mga negosyo
Chinese 中土大陸 企业
Croatian Međuzemlje Poduzeća
Danish Midgård Virksomheder
Dutch Midden-Aarde Ondernemingen
Esperanto Mez-Tero Entreprenoj
Estonian Keskmaa Ettevõtete
Finnish Keski-Maa Yritykset
French Terre du Milieu Entreprises
Galician Terra Media Empresas
Georgian შუამიწეთის საწარმოები
German Mittelerde Unternehmenen
Greek Μέσης Γης Επιχειρήσεις
Gujarati મધ્યમ પૃથ્વી કંપનીઓ
Hebrew הארץ התיכונה יוזמות
Hindi मध्य पृथ्वी उद्यमों
Hungarian Középfölde Vállalatok
Italian Terra di Mezzo le imprese
Japanese 中つ国企業
Kazakh Ортаңғы-жер Кәсіпорындар (Cyrillic) Ortañğı-jer Käsiporındar (Latin)
Kannada ಮಧ್ಯಮ ಭೂಮಿಯ ಉದ್ಯಮಗಳು
Kyrgyz Cyrillic Борбордук-Жер ишканалар
Latvian Viduszeme Uzņēmumi
Macedonian Cyrillic Блискиот Земјата Претпријатија
Marathi मध्य पृथ्वी उपक्रम
Mongolian Cyrillic Миддлэ-эартh Аж ахуйн нэгжүүд
Nepalese मध्य-पृथ्वीमा उद्यम
Norwegian Midgard Bedrifter
Persian سرزمین میانی بنگاههای
Portuguese Terra Média Indústrias
Romanian Pământul de Mijloc Intreprinderi
Russian Средиземье Предприятий
Serbian Средња земља Предузећа (Cyrillic) Srednja zemlja Preduzeća (Latin)
Sinhalese මිද්ද්ලෙ-එඅර්ථ් ව්යවසායන්
Slovak Stredozem podniky
Slovenian Srednji svet Podjetja
Spanish Tierra Media Empresas
Swedish Midgård Företagen
Tamil மத்திய புவி நிறுவனங்கள்
Telugu మిద్ద్లె-ఎఅర్థ ఎంటర్ప్రైజెస్
Thai มิดเดิลเอิร์ธรัฐวิสาหกิจ
Turkish Orta Dünya Sirketler
Ukrainian Cyrillic Середзем'я Підприємства

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