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Lumbi was a castle that was built in Aman to be the third dwelling place of Melko.[1]


After Melko was overthrown by Tulkas in the battle of the Silent Pools during the First Farthing Forth, the castle of Lumbi was used to imprison him after he was bound and chained. Lumbi was guarded by Gorgumoth, the hound of Mandos.[1]

Sometime later, Tevildo entered Lumbi and gnawed on his bonds until eventually, many centuries later, Melko was released from his imprisonment.[2] After which, Lumbi became his third fortress after Utumno and Angband respectively before he was pursued up the Pine of Tavrobel by Telimektar[2].[1]


Lumbi is a Qenya name of an unknown meaning, though it is possibly derived from the root LUVU ("dark weather")[3] and has the same meaning as its Gnomish cognate[4].[1]

Lumfod was its Gnomish cognate, meaning "gloomy-end" or "Gloomy End"[5], being comprised of the elements lum ("cloud")[6] and fod ("end, butt, bottom")[7]. Lumfad was either an early spelling or a variation of Lumfod.[1]

Places in the Undying Lands (Aman and Tol Eressëa)
Places and regions of the Valar ValinorEzelloharGardens of LòrienHalls of MandosHalls of NiennaHouse of TulkasIlmarinMáhanaxar
Pastures of YavannaWells of VardaWoods of OromëPlain of ValinorTwo Trees of Valinor
Other regions EldamarAlalvinórëAramanAvatharEnchanted IslesHaerastOiomúrëSindanóriëGalathilion
Mountains and passes PelóriTaniquetilHyarmentirTúnaCalaciryaCaves of the Forgotten
Bodies of water AfrosBay of EldamarGruirHíriLórellinShadowy SeasSirnúmen
Cities and strongholds Váli-màrAlqualondëAvallónëFormenosKôrtirionTavrobelTirionLumbi
Houses and towers Cottage of Lost PlayHouse of the Hundred ChimneysMindon EldaliévaTower of AvallónëTower of TavrobelTram Nybol


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 The History of Middle-earth, Vol. II: The Book of Lost Tales Part Two, VI: "The History of Eriol or Ælfwine and the End of the Tales", outline 1, pgs. 278-9
  2. 2.0 2.1 The History of Middle-earth, Vol. II: The Book of Lost Tales Part Two, VI: "The History of Eriol or Ælfwine and the End of the Tales", pg. 281
  3. Qenya Lexicon, pg. 57
  4. Lumbi on
  5. Gnomish Lexicon, pg. 55
  6. Parma Eldalamberon XI, "I-Lam na-Ngoldathon: The Grammar and Lexicon of the Gnomish Tongue", pg. 55
  7. Parma Eldalamberon XI, "I-Lam na-Ngoldathon: The Grammar and Lexicon of the Gnomish Tongue", pg. 35