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The One Wiki to Rule Them All
The One Wiki to Rule Them All

Lord of the Éothéod was the title of the head of the Northmen people of Éothéod.

Beginning in the decades after the Wainrider invasion, when they dwelt somewhere near the Grey Mountains. The title existed until TA 2510 when Gondor granted the province of Calenardhon to the Éothéod for their service to them in the wars against their enemies. Afterwards the title was dissolved, and replaced by King of Rohan.

There were five named Lords of the Éothéod.

  1. Marhwini
  2. Forthwini
  3. Frumgar
  4. Fram
  5. Léod
  6. Eorl the Young, the last Lord of the Éothéod


Foreign Language Translated name
Afrikaans Heer van die Éothéod
Arabic ?
Armenian Էոթեոդի լորդ
Asturian Señor de los Éothéod
Azerbaijani Éothéodun Hökmdar
Basque Éothéodren Jauna
Belarusian Cyrillic Гасподзь Эатэода
Bengali ইথিওডের প্রভু
Bosnian Gospodar Éothéoda
Bulgarian Cyrillic Господарят на Еотеод
Catalan Senyor de l'Éothéod
Cebuano Ginoo sa Éothéod
Corsican Signore di u Éothéod
Croatian Gospodar Éothéoda
Czech Pán Éothéodu
Danish Éothéods herre
Dutch Heer van de Éothéod
Esperanto Sinjoro de la Éothéod
Estonian Éothéodi isand
Finnish Éothéodin herra
French Seigneur du Éothéod
Frisian Hear fan de Éothéod (Western)
Friulian Signôr dal Éothéod
Galician Señor do Éothéod
Georgian ეოთეოდის მბრძანებელი
German Herr der Éothéod
Greek Άρχοντας του Εόθεοντ
Gujarati ઇઓથિઓડના ભગવાન
Hebrew אדון איאותיאוד
Hungarian Az Éothéod ura
Indonesian Tuan dari Éothéod
Irish Gaelic Tiarna an Éothéod
Italian Signore degli Éothéod
Japanese エオセオドの主
Kannada ಇಥಿಯೋಡ್ ನ ಲಾರ್ಡ್
Korean 에오테오드의 영주
Kyrgyz Cyrillic Эотhэодун Эгеси
Latvian Éothéoda kungs
Lithuanian Éothéodo valdovas
Luxembourgish Här vum Éothéod
Macedonian Cyrillic Господарот на Еотеод
Malayalam എഥെഒദ് നാഥന്
Malaysian Tuhan bagi Éothéod
Maltese Mulej tal-Éothéod
Marathi इथोदच्या स्वामी
Mongolian Cyrillic Эотэодын Эзэн
Occitan Senhor dels Éothéod
Persian ?
Polish Pan Éothéodzi
Portuguese Senhor dos Éothéod
Nepalese एओथेओदको प्रभु
Norwegian Éothéods herre
Romanian Stăpânul Éothéodului
Russian Владыка Эотеода
Sardinian Sennore de su Éothéod
Scottish Gaelic Thighearna na Éothéod
Serbian Господар Еотеода (Cyrillic) Gospodar Eoteoda (Latin)
Sicilian Signuri di l'Éothéod
Sinhalese ඉයෝතියඩ්හි අධිපතියා
Slovak Pán Éothéodu
Slovenian Gospodar Éothéoda
Spanish Señor de las Éothéod
Sundanese Gusti tina Éothéod
Swahili Bwana wa Éothéod
Swedish Éothéods herre
Tajik Cyrillic Худованди Эотеод
Tamil ஈயோதியோடின் ஆண்டவர்
Tatar Эотэодның Хуҗасы
Telugu ఇయోథియోడ్ ప్రభువు
Turkish Éothéod'un Efendisi
Turkmen Éothéodyň Hojaýyny
Ukrainian Cyrillic Лорд Еотеода
Urdu ?
Uzbek Еотҳеоднинг бек (Cyrillic) Éothéodning bek (Latin)
Vietnamese Chúa tể của Éothéod
Welsh Arglwydd y Éothéod
Yiddish האר פון די עאָטהעאָד
Yoruba Olúwa àwọn Éothéod