À la recherche du Hobbit (French: Looking for the Hobbit) is an exploratory documentary series directed by Olivier Simonnet in 2014, in which Tolkien-artist John Howe, story-teller Nicolas Mezzalira, and professor Leo Carruthers of the University of Paris-Sorbonne explore real-world settings and famous myths that inspired J.R.R. Tolkien's mythology. The documentary surveys many locations of Medieval significance.
Initially released in France, the series was produced and distributed by ARTE Deutschland TV GMBH and Cerigo Films, and is available on Amazon Prime Video, with English narration.
John Howe, the central figure of the series, often seen illustrating, tours some of the film-set locations in New Zealand, before traveling to spots in Germany, Iceland, and England to retrace places influential to Tolkien's vocation and to his own. Howe's ultimate goal is to find the source of inspiration for Tolkien's Hobbits.
Characters from English Medieval legend, such as King Arthur, are occasionally depicted.
- Tolkien's Worlds
- The Magical Forest of Brocéliande
- In the Footsteps of King Arthur
- The Lost Gold of the Rhine
- The Creatures of the North
Actor | Role |
Himself | |
Leo Carruthers | Himself |
Nicholas Mezzalira | Himself |
Aurore Charles | Viviane |
Stuart Davidson | King Arthur |
Gwen de Montfaucon | Merlin |
Laura Fix | Ygerne |
Charlie Hibbert | Uther Pendragon |
David Day | Himself |
External links[]
- Watch Looking for the Hobbit on Amazon.com