This page is intended to be a list of unnamed characters who appear in any adaptations of Tolkien's universe. This page is intended for characters without a specific name, but that were seen as important or were seen multiple times in the movies, or books.
Good characters[]
- The daughters of Aragorn and Arwen were the daughters of King Aragorn II and his wife Queen Arwen of the Reunited Kingdom.
They were the sisters of the future King, Eldarion, as well as the granddaughters of Lord Elrond and Lady Celebrían of Rivendell. Through their mother, they were also the great granddaughters of Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel of the faded realm Lothlórien. After the death of their father Aragorn, their mother was torn by grief and laid down her life upon Cerin Amroth.
Virtually nothing is known about the women or exactly when or where they were born. The only thing that is certain is that they were born in the early Fourth Age and that their brother was Eldarion, Aragorn Elessar's son and heir.[1] It is not known whether they were older or younger than their brother.
- Unnamed Lord of Imlad-Ringló
Not much is known about his early life. During the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, he sent his son, Dervorin to aid Minas Tirith.[2] Fortunately, his son managed to survive the great war.[3]
He possibly died in the Fourth Age and Dervorin succeeded him as the Lord of Imlad-Ringló.
- An unnamed minstrel of Gondor
Not much is known about them. After the Battle of the Morannon and the Downfall of Barad-dûr, the minstrel of Gondor sang a lay which was addressed to the Free Folk of the West. This lay was about "Frodo of the Nine Fingers and the Ring of Doom".[4]
In adaptations[]
The Minstrel of Gondor
The minstrel of Gondor appears in the The Return of the King film adaptation as just The Minstrel where he was voiced by Glenn Robertson Yarbrough and has a larger role. He is still a minstrel of Gondor, but he came to the 129th birthday party of Bilbo Baggins in Rivendell at the behest of Elrond and Gandalf. There, he sang a lay of the Quest of the Ring referred to by the name Frodo of the Nine Fingers.[5]
The Hobbit films[]

The Dwarf miner
- Dwarf Miner (The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey) - This Dwarf lived in the kingdom of the Lonely Mountain during the Third Age and worked as a miner during his lifetime. One day when he was mining, he discovered the jewel which would later become a treasure for Durin's Folk. He eventually passed the Arkenstone to Thrór, King under the Mountain, who named it the "King's Jewel". The role was played by stuntman Glenn Boswell. In LEGO The Hobbit: The Video Game, his role was played by Bofur.

The musical elf
- Musical Elf (The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey) - This Elf lived in Rivendell during the Third Age. In TA 2941, he played the harp when Thorin and Company came to Rivendell. When Kíli tried to hide his flirting with another Elf from Dwalin, he suggested that this musical Elf was not bad looking. Dwalin warned him that the harp player was not a female, as was proved true causing all the Dwarves to laugh at Kíli's embarrassment. This Elf was portrayed by Jared Blakiston, but was uncredited.
- The scene where Kíli mistakes the musical elf to be a female was cut from the theatrical version of the film, but can be found in the extended edition.

Locket displaying Gimli's mother (left)
- Gimli's mother (The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug) was, as the name stated, the mother of Gimli and wife of Glóin. In the film, she is only shown in a locket with portraits of her and Gimli that Glóin keeps around his neck.
- This Old Fisherman (The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug) was a Man of Lake-town in TA 2941. When a citizen asked why there were Dwarves strolling in the town (as he was told by Hilda Blanca who witnessed them) and the Fisherman told him that it was about the prophecy of Durin's Folk. The fisherman was portrayed by Ray Henwood.
- Fish Monger (The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug) was a Man of Lake-town who worked as a fish monger in TA 2941. When Bard the Bowman was smuggling Thorin and Company into the town, he asked the fish monger to fill the barrels with fish in order to hide the Dwarves. He was portrayed by Jabez Olssen, who was the editor for the film series, and was an additional editor for The Lord of the Rings trilogy.
- The Stallkeeper (The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug) was a Man of Lake-town who sold tapestries in a shop in TA 2941. He was portrayed by Tim Gordon, who also played as the Old Hob in the first film.[6]
When Bard the Bowman overheard Balin calling one of the Dwarves "Thorin", he went to the Stallkeeper's shop to find the tapestry of the Line of Durin of the Kings of the Lonely Mountain, confused, the man asked what tapestry he was looking for.
- The Net mender (The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug) was a Lake-man who lived in Lake-town during the Third Age. He worked on mending nets along with his partner.[7]
In TA 2941, when Hilda Bianca told him and his partner that she saw Dwarves in the town earlier, the net mender was confused of why there would be Dwarves in Lake-town until an old fisherman reminded him that it was mentioned in the prophecy of the King of Silver Fountains, which later spread all over the town. He was present where all the citizens of Lake-town gathered when Thorin II revealed himself to the crowd, including the Master of Lake-town and Alfrid Lickspittle, and persuaded the Master to welcome him and his company and help them reclaim the Lonely Mountain. After the Master agreed to help, the net mender and all the citizens cheered happily.
However, when the Dwarves and their Burglar-companion Bilbo Baggins accidentally woke Smaug up, who believed that the Dwarves were been aided by the Lake-men, the Net Mender was among the citizens that were evacuating Lake-town after hearing the sound of rumbling from the mountain. Smaug then flew over Lake-town and burned the entire town, the Net Mender managed to flee with the rest of the survivors. After Bard the Bowman and his son Bain managed to kill Smaug with the last Black Arrow, the Net Mender and all the survivors gathered around Bard and made him their King. Seeking refuge in the ruined city of Dale, the place which was ruled by Bard's ancestor Lord Girion, the Net Mender served in Bard's army and helped Thranduil's army to claim some of the treasure that was kept in the mountain.

Gondor Beacon Guard in Peter Jackson's The Return of the King
Before the Battle of Five Armies Azog sent forth his armies to attack the Lonely Mountain and Dale. The Net Mender moved back towards the city and fought in the ensuing battle. The Net Mender fought valiantly to defend the city and was among the fallen.
- The Net Mender was played by Greg Ellis.[8]
Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings trilogy[]
- Unnamed Beacon Guard (The Return of the King) appeared in the scene concerning the lighting of the warning beacons of Gondor. He was played by Christian Rivers.[9]
Evil characters[]
- The Cave-troll of Moria. The Fellowship faced this creature in the depths of Moria, at Balin's tomb in the books, it broke trough the reinforced doors of Balin's Tomb, allowing the Orcs to enter. It was stabbed in the foot by Frodo Baggins.[10]
- The Orc-chieftain was a huge Orc who was present at the Battle of the Bridge of Khazad-dûm. He was presumed to be one of the greatest Orcs of Moria and seems to have been the leader of the attack on the Fellowship in the tomb. In the battle, he leapt into the chamber as the Nine Companions were fleeing and stabbed Frodo with a great spear, though the hobbit did not die due to the fact that he wore a coat of mithril. His spear was quickly broken by Sam, and as he reached for his scimitar, he was quickly cut down by Aragorn. His followers, seeing their chieftain's death, fled. The Orc was clad all over in black mail. He had a red tongue, eyes like coals, and a squat, broad, flat face. He carried a huge spear, shield, and scimitar. He was huge by Orc standards, nearly being man-high.[10]
- The Orc-chieftain appeared in the 1978 cartoon, The Lord of the Rings, though he didn't appear in Peter Jackson's film, the troll was the one to wound Frodo with the spear in that adaptation.
- The great troll-chief was an Olog-hai in command of a company of hill-trolls. In the book, it attacked Beregond in the Battle of the Morannon. After injuring him it was about to kill him when Pippin killed it.
- Unknown Orc soldier (Mordor) This lesser Orc worked in Mordor during the Great War of the Ring. In the The Return of the King, he and an Uruk were sent to find an intruder (Gollum). After a long time he wanted to go back to the fort, but the Uruk disagreed. Around this time Sam and Frodo Baggins spied them. The Orc, armed with a bow, killed the Uruk. He was likely killed in the Battle of the Morannon or executed.
- "That's cursed rebel-talk, and I'll stick you, if you don't shut it down, see?"
- —Uruk soldier
- Unknown Uruk soldier (Mordor) This Uruk was working for Mordor in The Return of the King. He was a soldier from the Tower of Cirith Ungol, which was under the command of Captain Shagrat before he was killed during the uprising started by Captain Gorbag of Minas Morgul and the Nazgûl took over. He makes an appearance in the book while Frodo Baggins and Samwise Gamgee are travelling in a valley of the Morgai. The soldier in question was armed with a spear, and was travelling with a smaller Orc scout, armed with a bow. They were under orders to track the intruder, but the orders were unclear; "First they say it's a great Elf in bright armour, then it's a sort of small dwarf-man, then it must be a pack of rebel Uruk-hai; or maybe it's all the lot together," as this soldier said, and the smaller Orc wanted to "go home". The conversation shifts to Gollum, or the "black sneak" as they know him. Frodo and Sam, overhearing them from behind a bush, discover that the soldier had earlier shot at the “black sneak”, but missed. Eventually, the soldier starts to leave, and when he is ordered back by the soldier, and threatened with having himself reported to the Nazgûl, expresses his dislike for the Nazgûl and how he was glad that the Witch-king, or "Number One" was killed. The Uruk, the subject of this speech, charged at him with spear in hand, but before he could get close enough to the Orc, the latter put an arrow in his eye and ran off the way he came.[11]
The Hobbit films[]

The goblin-scribe
The Orc Chieftain was originally intended to be Bolg, but the decision to change the character's identity was made before the release of the second film in the trilogy. He is played by Conan Stevens in both An Unexpected Journey and The Battle of the Five Armies, the first and third parts of The Hobbit film trilogy.
- A goblin scribe, portrayed by Kiran Shah in The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey.
Appears briefly, taking down a message from the Great Goblin to relay to Azog with regard to Thorin and Company.
- An Unnamed Hunter Orc in the film was played by Frazer Anderson.
In TA 2941, he and large number of Guldur Orcs were summoned by Sauron (disguised as The Necromancer) and gathered in the old fortress of Dol Guldur to prepare for war against Free Peoples in the region of Rhovanion. After Gandalf was defeated in a duel against the Dark Lord, he was seen marching out of the old fortress with thousands of Orcs that followed Azog the Defiler towards the Lonely Mountain.
Upon reaching the mountain, he fought in the Battle of Five Armies against the Lake-men, Dwarves, and Elves in the ruined city of Dale. He along with another and several other Orcs faced Thranduil. In the end, he and another were killed by the Elven King.
He was very loyal to Azog. When the exiled Dwarves of the Lonely Mountain tried to reclaim Moria, the infamous Azog led his Orc army against them, resulting in the Battle of Azanulbizar. This Moria Orc participated in the battle and engaged a number of Dwarves. After Azog lost his arm to Thorin II, the Moria Orc and several of his fellow comrades took their superior back into the mines, as he was still needed by their master.

Unnamed Gundabad Hunter Orc at the Battle of Azanulbizar
In the year TA 2941, this Moria Orc did not join Azog's Hunter Orcs until Bolg was in charge of the troops. After Sauron (disguised as the Necromancer) summoned the Guldur Orcs from the Misty Mountains to Dol Guldur, Bolg and the Moria Hunter Orc were one of the first Orcs to arrive there. Bolg travelled to Beorn's lands to warn Azog about his master's call. When Azog arrived at Dol Guldur, the Necromancer told him that he would lead his armies and would not continue his hunt for Thorin and Company. After Azog ordered his son Bolg to continue the hunt for the Dwarves, Unnamed Moria Hunter Orc accompanied him and became a member of the Hunter Orcs. After Bilbo freed the Dwarves from their imprisonment in the Woodland Realm, they attempted to escape through the Forest River when Bolg's hunting party arrived and attacked the company. However, Kíli managed to open the River-Gate, allowing the Dwarves to continue while this Hunter Orc and the Hunter Orcs chased after them. During the river chase, Unnamed Moria Hunter Orc leapt from the shore and attempted to kill Thorin, but the Dwarf managed to behead him and his body fell into the river.

Unnamed Gundabad hunter orc
- Unnamed Gundabad Hunter Orc (The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug) was one of the Hunter Orcs that were in service of Bolg during the Quest of Erebor
In TA 2941, he was one of the first Gundabad Orcs to arrive in Dol Guldur, along with Bolg and others. When he discovered that Bolg was going to hunt Thorin II after Azog was ordered by the Necromancer (Sauron) to stay in Dol Guldur and prepare the army, he joined the Hunter Orcs. He, Bolg, Fimbul and other Orcs attacked the Forest River Gate in Mirkwood when Thorin and Company attempted to escape Mirkwood by the Forest River. When Tauriel arrived and stopped an Orc from killing Kíli, Bolg ordered he and several other Orcs to kill Tauriel. He tried to hit Tauriel from behind but was shot down by Legolas.

Great Gundabad warg
- The Great Gundabad warg was Bolg's steed and companion.
The "Great Gundabad warg" accompanies Bolg during his hunt for Thorin Oakenshield and his company. Bolg rides it from Dol Guldur to give Azog a message from the Necromancer. It then accompanies Bolg all the way to Lake-town where Legolas chases them on horseback, until they lose him. Bolg is seen on this warg when again he meets Azog and his armies on the march. Bolg then rides it to Mount Gundabad - the warg's fate is unknown.

Azog's Lieutenant
- Orc Underling (The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies) was an Orc that served as Azog's second-in-command during the Quest of Erebor.
He was briefly seen when Azog is marching to the Lonely Mountain until Bolg arrives. When Azog orders his lieutenant and the army to stop the march, Bolg reports that Legolas and Tauriel survived, in which Azog orders his son to go to Mount Gundabad and bring another army to serve as reinforcements. When Bolg leaves, Azog orders the army to continue and the Lieutenant raises his axe and shouts an order in Orkish or the Black Speech. He was later killed in the Battle of Five Armies.
- Unnamed Goblin of the Redhorn Pass (The Hobbit film trilogy films) During the Battle of Five Armies he led a group of Goblin mercenaries into battle.
He was killed by either Dwalin or Thorin when the goblins attacked the pair.

Unnamed Gundabad Orc Berserker
- Unnamed Gundabad Orc Berserker (The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies) He lived in Mount Gundabad.
Sometime between the War of the Dwarves and Orcs and the Quest of Erebor, He was promoted captain of the Gundabad Berserkers due to his strength. He was not summoned by the Necromancer during the Quest of Erebor. When Bolg arrived at Gundabad, he was among the Gundabad Orcs that marched to Dale to serve as reinforcements for Azog's army. Arriving at the ruins of Ravenhill, he was one of the first Orc Berserkers to arrive and made his attempt to kill Bilbo Baggins. As he charged towards the Hobbit with his weapon open, he was slain by Dwalin.
Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings trilogy[]

The Cave-troll from the Jackson trilogy.
- Randall William Cook played the Cave Troll of Moria (The Fellowship of the Ring) using motion capture. In the movie, this is the only Troll present. It attacked Frodo with a spear and is attacked by various members of the Fellowship until Legolas kills it by shooting it in the mouth.

Unidentified Mordor Orc Commander
- The Unidentified Isengard Orc Commander (The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring) was an Isengard Orc who swore allegiance to Saruman. Upon arriving, he and two of his comrades ask the wizard what they are ordered to do. He is left in charge of the workers at the Lumberjack camp and tells the wizard that the trees have roots that have grown very deep. During The Two Towers, he and Saruman are seen ordering the workers in the caverns and overseeing the breeding of the Uruk-hai

Unnamed Orc taskmaster
- Unnamed Isengard Orc Taskmaster (The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring) served under Saruman during the Great War of the Ring. He was tasked in cutting down the trees that were all around Isengard. It is unknown if he was killed during the destruction of Isengard.

Unnamed Isengard blacksmith and cook
- Unnamed Isengard Blacksmith and Cook (The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring) was an Orc that worked in Isengard during the Great War of the Ring.
This Isengard Orc was probably from the Misty Mountains. He along with many other Orcs (like Sharku) travelled to Isengard to help Saruman in his forges and raise an army of Uruk-hai. He was a blacksmith and a cook. He worked from the safety of a sun-shelter not being immune to daylight. It is unknown if he was killed during the Destruction of Isengard.
In the film, he is not an Uruk, and is a lesser Orc.

Unnamed Two Towers Orc
- Unnamed Isengard Orc (The Two Towers) was an Orc who served Saruman during the Great War of the Ring.
He, along with Snaga and a group of Orcs that were led by Grishnákh, were sent by Sauron and Saruman to meet up with Uglúk and his band of Uruk-hai, making sure that they were delivering the Hobbits Merry and Pippin to Saruman. However, he was later killed when a Rohirrim cavalry led by Éomer ambushed them near the borders of Fangorn Forest.

Unnamed Isengard Orc of Sharku's attack group
- Unnamed Isengard Orc (The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers) was one of the Isengard Orcs that served under Saruman during the Great War of the Ring.
After Saruman learned from Gríma Wormtongue about the people of Rohan traveling to Helm's Deep, he and a number of Warg-riders, led by Sharku, were dispatched from Isengard to attack. During the skirmish, he tried to kill Gimli while the Dwarf was trying to roll a dead warg off him. Gimli immediately snapped his neck, killing him.
- Unnamed Isengard Orc (The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers) was an Isengard Orc.
He served under Saruman during the War of the Ring. After Saruman learned from Gríma Wormtongue about the people of Rohan traveling to Helm's Deep, he and a number of Warg-riders, led by Sharku, were dispatched from Isengard to attack. He was slain during the skirmish.
During the Great War of the Ring, he was chosen by his lord for his natural ability to breed, tame, and train Wargs in Isengard. He later accompanied Sharku and a number of Warg-Riders to attack the Rohirrim that were traveling to Helm's Deep to take refuge. He was among the Orcs that were killed during the skirmish.
He was heavily scarred and had one eye. He had a few of his fingers that were missing from Warg bites. He also had a long scar across his missing eye, and a piece of leather riveted over the empty socket.

Unnamed Moria Orc-captain (The Two Towers)
- The Unnamed Moria Orc-Captain (The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers) was a Orc who lived in Moria.
He led a number of his tribe to revenge the fall of their Chief and the Balrog. His host followed the Fellowship of the Ring (group) through the Northern Fences of Lórien, where his troops were defeated by the Guardians of the forest. A small number of survivors continued to follow the Fellowship's track to Rohan and eventually joined forces with the Orcs of the Eye under the command of Grishnákh. The last remnants of his expedition were slain by the éored, led by Éomer, near the borders of Fangorn Forest.

Unnamed Orc of Isengard examining the new Uruk-hai
- Unnamed Isengard Orc (The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers) was an Orc who worked in the caverns of Isengard overseeing Saruman's newly breed fighting Uruk-hai. He probably perished during the destruction of Isengard.

Unnamed Isengard Orc
- Unnamed Isengard Orc (The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers) was an Orc who served under Saruman during the War of the Ring. He was tasked in leading a number of Uruk-hai to prepare for war against Rohan in the caverns of Isengard. He and all the Orcs that were present in Isengard were perished when Treebeard, Merry, and Pippin led the Ents to attack the fortress.

Orc Overseer (Isengard)
- "We don't have enough fuel to fuel the fires."
- —Orc Overseer to Saruman
- Isengard Orc Overseer (The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers) was an Orc overseer sent by Sauron to help Saruman during the War of the Ring.
While working, the Orc Overseer told Saruman the progress. Saruman, not impressed that the Uruk-hai won't be armed in time, told him to have to work the furnaces. However, he explained that there was not enough fuel to fuel to fires. When Saruman stared at the distance of Fangorn Forest, he ordered another Orc to cut down and burn a number of trees, in which the overseer complied. He was later killed along with all the Orcs during the destruction of Isengard led by Treebeard, Merry, and Pippin.
- The Orc Overseer was portrayed by Phil Grieve in the extended edition of [[The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, credited as "Hero Orc".[12]
- "What orders from Mordor, my Lord? What does the Eye command?"
- —to Saruman

Orc Overseer (Isengard)
- "The trees are strong, my lord. Their roots grow deep"
- —to Saruman
The Messenger (The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers) was an Orc serving Saruman. - He was one of the first Orcs in Isengard.
Part of the chain of command, the Messenger has the authority to be made aware of instructions received by Saruman from his lord Sauron. He is a loyal servant of his servants and as such gladly carries out their orders to the letter.
- This character is featured in the Lord of the Rings Trading Card Game by Decipher.[13]

Unnamed Isengard Orc (master-smith)
- Unnamed Isengard Orc (master-smith) (The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers) was an Orc who served under Saruman. During the War of the Ring, he worked as a master-smith in the underground caverns of Isengard where he and hundreds of Orcs were forging Uruk-hai armor and Scimitars. Later on, he was among all the Orcs that were perished during the destruction of Isengard when Treebeard, Merry, and Pippin led a number of Ents to attack Saruman's fortress.

Unnamed Uruk-hai captain
- An Unnamed Uruk-hai captain (The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers) ordered Saruman's army of 10,000 Uruks into the Battle of the Hornburg in The Two Towers movie.
In the film, he stands on a huge boulder and roars, ordering the others toward the fortress. He lacks the unique helmet worn by other Uruk-hai commanders. After the first death of an Uruk-hai soldier, he roars again to the army to attack the Deep.
- The Unnamed Uruk-hai warrior that appears in the Isengard Sourcebook, released by Decipher Inc.. Although in the Sourcebook, they're talking about an Half-orc, not a true Uruk-hai, called "Móg". In the The Lord of the Rings Roleplaying Game, Móg is Saruman's primary commander by has yet to be seen as the one seen in the film.[14]
- The First Uruk-hai to die at Helm's Deep. (The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers) This Uruk-hai was the first to die at the Battle of the Hornburg. He is seen several times during the chanting, precedent to the actual start of the battle. He is accidentally shot by an old man who couldn't steady his hand.
- "What is it? What do you smell?"
- —Uglúk

Unnamed Orc Commander (Isengard)
Pledging his service to Sauron's "puppet"[ during the War of the Ring, he had risen to his position and rank due of his intelligence and technical skill. In TA 3019, he was busy placing armor on one of the Uruk-hai that were about to be dispatched to track down the Fellowship of the Ring. He was later killed in the destruction of Isengard.[15] He is featured in the Lord of the Rings Trading Card Game.

Gothmog's Underling at the retaking of Osgiliath.
- Gothmog's Underling (The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King) was an Orc captain of Mordor. Like his master Gothmog, he was one of the Morannon Orcs of the Morgul-host.
During the War of the Ring, he accompanied his master and an army of Orcs to claim the ruined city of Osgiliath as their base. After Faramir and the rest of the defenders retreated back to Minas Tirith, he was present when Gothmog used his spear to execute Madril. Later on, he fought in the siege of Minas Tirith. However, when the Rohirrim riders arrived to turn the tide, he was among the archers that released a full volley of arrows, killing a number of soldiers. In the Extended Edition of The Return of the King, he would attack Théoden, only to be stabbed in the back by Éowyn.

Morannon Orc Warrior (Siege of Gondor)
Morannon Orc Warrior (Siege of Gondor) was an armoured Orc warrior serving under Gothmog during the battle of Minas Tirith. He witnessed Gothmog firing the heads of deceased Gondorians into Minas Tirith. The Orc is later seen cheering for the arrival of Grond, and then moves into the city, killing many Gondorians. He later goes with Guritz and Murgash to meet the Corsairs of Umbar, but instead they meet Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli. Outnumbering the three, the Orcs prepare to take them on, however the Army of the Dead then appear and kill them all. In the Middle Earth Role-playing Game, he is given the name `Aarlok`.

Uruk Lieutenant (Siege of Gondor)
Uruk Lieutenant (Siege of Gondor) was an Uruk captain serving under Gothmog during the Siege of Gondor. He stood by Murgash during the attack, and was later killed by the charging Rohirrim. He had a white beard and long, white hair. In the Middle Earth Role-playing Game, he is given the name `Argdush`.
Unnamed Orc Warrior (Siege of Gondor) (The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King) was an Orc warrior who served in the Morgul-host during the War of the Ring.
In the year TA 3019, he was among the Orcs that fought in the Battle of Osgiliath against Faramir's battalion and managed to takeover the ruined city and use it as their base. Days later, he participated in the Siege of Minas Tirith, but did not enter the city. When 6000 Rohirrim riders arrived at the first set of dawn, he perished in the battle, killed by Gandalf when he attacked the wizard and Pippin.

Unnamed Olog-hai Chieftain on the battlefield.
- Unnamed Olog-hai Chieftain (The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King) was a Olog-hai Chieftain from Minas Morgul who lived in the late-Third Age.
He was one of the biggest Olog-hai from Minas Morgul. During the War of the Ring, he led the Olog-hai and Mountain-trolls in the Siege of Gondor. He was also the first Troll to enter the gate and crush a number of Gondorian soldiers. As hundreds of Orcs entered the city and supported the Trolls, he continued to kill several more Gondor troops, but in the end he was killed by Gandalf, who stabbed him in the belly.

The Corsair Captain in The Return of the King film.
- "Who are you to deny us passage?"
- —The Corsair Captain to Aragorn.
- The Corsair Captain or Corsair Champion[16] (The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King) was a vicious criminal who was on the way to Gondor with his men to aid the Orcs at Pelennor Fields.
During the War of the Ring, Corsair Captain and the corsairs were on route to Harlond after overrunning Pelargir with the intentions of mounting further raids on Gondor and aiding the forces of Mordor in the battle. While sailing up the Anduin river, the Corsair Captain and the Corsairs of Umbar were confronted by Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli. When Aragorn warned the Corsairs not to enter Gondor, the Corsair Captain refused, jeering that he cannot deny their passage. He was subsequently killed when Aragorn summoned the Army of the Dead to obliterate him and the Corsairs.
He was played by Peter Tait.

Unnamed Corsair Captain
During the War of the Ring, he and the Corsairs, along with their leader, were confronted by Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli. When Aragorn warns the Corsairs not to enter Gondor, he and the corsairs refuse. When Aragorn summons the Army of the Dead, he is among those killed.
- As an unnamed extra in Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, he was played by the uncredited actor Gino Acevedo.[17]

The Corsair Lieutenant in The Return of the King film
- The Corsair Lieutenant (The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King) was a character appearing in the New Line Cinema The Return of the King film. He was played by director Peter Jackson, who is known for making cameos appearances in his films.
The Corsair Lieutenant appeared on board a ship next to the Corsair Captain. When Aragorn said that the Corsairs "will not enter Gondor," the Corsair Lieutenant laughed. While Corsair Lieutenant was laughing, Aragorn told Legolas to fire a warning shot, just past the Corsair Boatswain. The shot hit the Corsair Lieutenant, due to Gimli's axe lightly hitting the bow, angering the Corsair Boatswain. The Corsairs were all killed by the Army of the Dead.
The Corsair Lieutenant was not given a canonical name but a fansite known as the Middle-Earth Encyclopedia named him "Pete the Pirate" based on Peter Jackson's real name (Pete) and his role (the Pirate).[18]

Unnamed Corsair henchman
- Unnamed Corsair Henchman (The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King) was a Corsair of Umbar during the War of the Ring. He was later killed when Aragor summoned the Army of the Dead to eliminate all the pirates on board every ship.
- He was played by Rick Porras.[19]

Unnamed Corsair henchman
- Unnamed Corsair Henchman (The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King) was a Corsair of Umbar.
During the War of the Ring, he and the Corsairs, along with their leader, were confronted by Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli. When Aragorn warns the Corsairs not to enter Gondor, he and the corsairs refuse. When Aragorn summons the Army of the Dead, he is among those killed in the onslaught.

Orc Raid Commander
- Orc Raid Commander[20] (The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King) was an Orc present at the Battle of the Pelennor Fields in The Return of the King film.
- He was not named in the film but was featured as a character in Decipher's The Lord of the Rings Trading Card Game.

Unnamed Olog-hai
- Unnamed Olog-hai Warrior ([The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King) was a deadly Olog-hai Chieftain and soldier who lived during the final years of the Third Age.
In TA 3019, he commanded the Olog-hai in the Battle of the Morannon, the final battle in the War of the Ring. He engaged Aragorn in a fierce duel. He charged at Aragorn four times while Aragorn charged once and he hit Andúril with all his strength and Aragorn fell to the ground because of the force of the Troll's hit. Before Aragorn could get up, he kicked Aragorn with his foot and was stabbed in the foot with Aragorn’s dagger. Before he could finish off Aragorn, The One Ring fell in the Cracks of Doom. He was the first to notice Sauron's defeat, and fled the Black Gate. His fate is unknown.
- According to the special features in the extended edition of The Return of the King, Aragorn was originally to have dueled Sauron, who would have re-manifested his physical form in order to challenge him. However, it was decided that this confrontation would have departed too greatly from the Lord of the Rings books and that it would have been too much about Aragorn's personal honor; thus, Sauron was removed and substituted with the troll.

No-Nosed orc in The Return of the Ring film
- "No Nose" was an Orc inspector seen in the extended version of The Return of the King. He noticed disguised Orcs Frodo Baggins and Samwise Gamgee while they made their way to Barad-dûr during the Quest of the Ring. His fate is unknown but it is likely that he was slain during the Battle of the Morannon.
- Orc captain was an Orc from Mordor who lead the Orcs to The Black Gate. He used the whip to make the Orcs walk faster, to get them to the impending battle. When he sees two Orcs are sitting down (Frodo and Sam), he whips them to get up. When Frodo and Sam escape, he and the other Orcs continue. He was most likely killed in onslaught of the Battle of the Black Gate.
The Orc Captain during the Battle of the Morannon in The Return of the Ring film
Ralph Bakshi's The Lord of the Rings[]
- The same Unnamed Uruk-hai leader was in Ralph Bakshi's version of the films. In the film, he is portrayed as an Uruk-hai with a horned helmet and is the only one of the Uruk-hai soldiers on a horse. He is shown in a few scenes as Saruman's army marches on Helm's Deep before the actual battle starts. Later on, he is seen in another scene mid-battle and another one when the battle is drawing to its conclusion.
- In Ralph Bakshi's version, the Cave Troll of Moria had a very small part. It was seen only partly as it attempted to come trough the battered doors; it bore resemblance to the Swamp Thing, a plant elemental in the DC Comics' universe. Unlike in Peter Jackson's version the troll gets stabbed in the foot by Frodo as the latter cried: "For the Shire!"
Video games[]
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers[]
- The Unnamed Uruk-hai warrior that ordered Saruman's army into battle, is also seen briefly in Two Towers video game and is named "Thrugg". Unlike in the movies however, he is seen wearing the helmet of a Berserker.
The Lord of the Rings Roleplaying Game[]
- The Unnamed Uruk-hai warrior appears in the Isengard Sourcebook, released by Decipher Inc.. Although in the Sourcebook, they're talking about an Half-orc, not a true Uruk-hai, called "Móg". In the game Móg is Saruman's primary commander, so we have reason to suspect they are the same people.
- ↑ The Lord of the Rings, Appendix A: Annals of the Kings and Rulers, I: The Númenórean Kings, (v): "The Tale of Aragorn and Arwen"
- ↑ The Lord of the Rings, Vol. III: The Return of the King, Book Five, Chapter I: "Minas Tirith"
- ↑ The Lord of the Rings, Vol. III: The Return of the King, Book Five, Chapter VI: "The Battle of the Pelennor Fields"
- ↑ The Lord of the Rings, Vol. III: The Return of the King, "The Field of Cormallen", pg. 951-7
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- ↑ 10.0 10.1 The Lord of the Rings, Vol. I: The Fellowship of the Ring, Book Two, Chapter V: "The Bridge of Khazad-dûm"
- ↑ The Lord of the Rings, Vol. III: The Return of the King, Book Six, Chapter I: "The Tower of Cirith Ungol"
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- ↑ Pete the Pirate at Middle-Earth Encyclopedia
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