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Hildigard Took was a hobbit of the Shire.

Hildigard was the child of Adamanta Took and Gerontius Took, who was more commonly known as the Old Took. Hildigard died at a young age.[1]

Etymology and gender[]

Though Hildigard's gender is not specified by in Appendix C, Hildigard (and the more popular spelling Hildegard) is a Germanic female name. However, The Hobbit describes the Old Took as having only three daughters, and three of his other children (Belladonna, Donnamira, and Mirabella) are known to be female.

The name is derived from the elements hild (battle) and gard (enclosure).[2][3]


Foreign Language Translated name
Armenian Հիլդիգարդ Տուկ
Bulgarian Cyrillic Хилдигард Тук
Chinese 希爾迪加德·圖克
Finnish Hildigard Tuk
French Hildigard Touc
Georgian ჰილდიგარდ ტუკი
German Hildigard Tuk
Greek Χίλντίγκαρντ Τουκ
Italian Hildigardo Tuc
Polish Hildigard Tuk
Russian Хильдигард Тук
Ukrainian Cyrillic Гільдіґард Тук


  1. The Lord of the Rings, Appendix C: Family Trees, Took of Great Smials
  2., Nordic Names, "Hildigard"
  3., Behind the Name, "Hildegard"