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! Non-canon alert
The subject of this article originates from non-canonical sources.
To learn about what is considered "canon", see LOTR:Canon.

Ghulat is an Orc enemy created by Fantasy Flight Games for Lord of The Rings: The Card Game. He is encountered in the Encounter at Amon Dîn adventure pack.

Ghulat - LOTR The Card Game


Ghulat is an Orc captain from Mordor (possibly Minas Morgul), who commands a raiding party of Orcs sent to pillage the Gondorian village of Amon Dîn.

After the player's heroes make their way back from Drúadan Forest to Minas Tirith, with news of the conspirators' demise, black smoke rises from the lands of Anòrien. When the heroes arrive at the village of Amon Dîn, it is in flames and chaos. A tired Lord Alcaron comes to the heroes' aid in fending off the village's Orc attackers and saving the panicked villagers who still remain. It is soon found out that this Orc band was part of a large war party that was defeated at Cair Andros, but, instead of retreating east, they went west to loot and pillage the weaker villages in Anòrien. Ghulat is this Orc band's leader.

Ghulat has crude Orc armor, donned with many skulls of his victims, whom he beheads with his Orc scimitar.
