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The Hobbit-Bag End Door
! Non-canon alert
The subject of this article originates from non-canonical sources.
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Lego Fimbul

LEGO Fimbul

Fimbul was one of Azog's Hunter Orcs and later his right-hand man, with Narzug, after the death of Yazneg in The Hobbit film trilogy, and lieutenant of the vile Yazneg, who led the Hunter Orcs after Thorin Oakenshield and his band of Dwarves. Fimbul later becomes Azog's right hand after Yazneg is fed to the Wargs by Azog for his failures. The character of Fimbul is not in the writings of J.R.R. Tolkien; he was created for Peter Jackson's The Hobbit film trilogy.



Fimbul while chasing the Dwarves along with Azog and the Hunter Orcs

In TA 2941, Fimbul along with Yazneg were hired by Azog the Defiler to hunt down Thorin Oakenshield and his company of Dwarves during the Quest of Erebor. When they find the Company in the Lone-lands camping out, Yazneg orders him to send word to their master that they have found his enemy's location. Fimbul later accompanies Yazneg, numerous other Gundabad Orcs and Wargs on an attack on Thorin's group but are led astray by Radagast the Brown who uses his rabbit pulled sled to act as a distraction for the Dwarves. However, when an Orc catches the Company's scent and is killed, both Fimbul and Yazneg are able to detect the Dwarves hiding in a small crevice and proceeded to attack until Elrond and his Elven warriors arrive. They slay many of the party, causing the two surviving Orcs to flee for their lives.

At Weathertop, where the other Gundabad Hunter Orcs had made their base, Fimbul and Yazneg arrived and report the Dwarves' escape to their commander, Azog. Fimbul then watches in horror as Azog throws Yazneg to the wargs for his failures. After Yazneg's death, Fimbul succeeds him as Azog's right hand and the second-in-command of the party and rides by his commander's side as he leads the hunt for Thorin and his company.

The Orcs eventually catch up to the Dwarves after the latter's narrow escape from Goblin-town and force the Dwarves to climb the surrounding trees to escape the vicious Wargs. Soon after Thorin is critically wounded by Azog, but is rescued at the last minute by Bilbo Baggins, who is then surrounded by Fimbul and many other hunter Orcs. On orders from Azog they attempt to kill the small Hobbit, but are ultimately halted by the arrival of Eagles who proceed to kill many of the Orcs and Wargs present before rescuing the stranded and outnumbered party. Fimbul survives the Eagles' attack and is last seen at Azog's flank as he screams in anger as his plans to finally end the blood line of Durin are thwarted.

In The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, Fimbul first follows Azog to the house of Beorn attempting to capture Thorin Oakenshield and the Company, but Azog is forced to retreat due to Beorn's presence. On the same evening, his son Bolg arrives with a message to return to Dol Guldur. Bolg then takes the mission to hunt down the Company and Fimbul joined him as a lieutenant alongside Narzug. He follows Bolg all the way to Lake-town, where Bolg's party attacks Legolas, Tauriel, and Bard's family. Fimbul stays in a boat outside the house until an Orc runs out and jumps into the boat, catapulting Fimbul up to the door where he is killed by Legolas, being beheaded; who is pursuing the escaping Bolg and his Orcs.

In the film, as the Orcs continue to search for the Dwarves, Fimbul dips his finger into a pool of blood on the ground and tastes it, spitting in disgust and says "Dwarf blood!". That mimics a scene from the film adaptation of The Two Towers, where Gimli dips his finger in a similar fashion into some blood left on some leaves and tastes it, only to spit out in disgust and say "Orc blood!"

Behind the scenes[]
