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Pale Skies and Wildflowers - A view of the Shire's Far Downs by Guy Brady resized

"Pale Skies and Wildflowers" - a view of the Shire's Far Downs by Guy Brady

The Far Downs were a small region of hills that lay beyond the western boundary of the Shire until its expansion in FO 31.


The Far Downs were forty leagues from the Brandywine Bridge and over forty miles from the Tower Hills. The town of Greenholm was built among them, and the Great East Road leading to the Tower Hills ran through. Fastred, the first Warden of Westmarch, was born on these hills in Greenholm.[1][2]


Foreign Language Translated name
Danish De Fjerne Høje
Dutch Verre Heuvels
Finnish Kaukavaarat
French Hauts Lointains
German Ferne Höhen
Hebrew ה גבעות המרוחקות
Spanish Quebradas Lejanas
Swedish Fjärråsarna


  1. The Atlas of Middle-earth, Regional Maps, "The Shire"
  2. The Atlas of Middle-earth, Regional Maps, "Eriador"