Esmeralda Brandybuck, born Esmeralda Took, was a Hobbit of the the Shire.
Esmeralda was born to Adalgrim Took and his unnamed wife. She was the youngest of their five children. She was a descendant of Gerontius Took, and younger sister to Thain Paladin II Took. She married Saradoc Brandybuck, the Master of Buckland, and removed to Brandy Hall. Being a Took and marrying into the Brandybuck family, she was both Peregrin Took's aunt and Meriadoc Brandybuck's mother.[1][2]
Foreign Language | Translated name |
Arabic | إزميرالدا (توك) برانديبوك |
Armenian | Էսմերալդա (Տօկ) Բրանդյբուծկ |
Bulgarian Cyrillic | Есмерелда (Тук) Брендифук |
Chinese | 埃斯梅拉达 (圖克) 烈酒鹿 |
Dutch | Esmeralda (Toek) Brandebok |
Finnish | Esmeralda (Tuk) Rankkibuk |
French | Esmeralda (Touque) Brandibouc |
Georgian | ესმერალდა (ტუკი) ბრენდიბაკი |
German | Esmeralda (Tuk) Brandybock |
Greek | Εσμεράλδα (Τουκ) Μπράντιμπακ |
Hebrew | אזמראלדה (טוק) ברנדיבאק |
Italian | Esmeralda (Tuc) Brandibuck |
Japanese | エスメラルダ (トゥック) ブランディバック |
Kazakh | Эзмералда (Тоок) Брандйбұцк (Cyrillic) Ézmeralda (Took) Brandybuck (Latin) |
Persian | اسمرالدا (توک) برندیباک |
Russian | Эсмеральда (Тук) Брендибак |
Serbian | Есмералда (Тук) Брандyбуцк (Cyrillic) Esmeralda (Tuk) Brandybuck (Latin) |
Ukrainian Cyrillic | Есмеральда (Тук) Брендіцап |
Urdu | ایسمیرالڈا (ٹوک) برینڈیبک |
- ↑ The Lord of the Rings, Appendix C: Family Trees, Took of Great Smials
- ↑ The Lord of the Rings, Appendix C: Family Trees, Brandybuck of Buckland