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Esmeralda Brandybuck, born Esmeralda Took, was a Hobbit of the the Shire.


Esmeralda was born to Adalgrim Took and his unnamed wife. She was the youngest of their five children. She was a descendant of Gerontius Took, and younger sister to Thain Paladin II Took. She married Saradoc Brandybuck, the Master of Buckland, and removed to Brandy Hall. Being a Took and marrying into the Brandybuck family, she was both Peregrin Took's aunt and Meriadoc Brandybuck's mother.[1][2]


Foreign Language Translated name
Arabic إزميرالدا (توك) برانديبوك
Armenian Էսմերալդա (Տօկ) Բրանդյբուծկ
Bulgarian Cyrillic Есмерелда (Тук) Брендифук
Chinese 埃斯梅拉达 (圖克) 烈酒鹿
Dutch Esmeralda (Toek) Brandebok
Finnish Esmeralda (Tuk) Rankkibuk
French Esmeralda (Touque) Brandibouc
Georgian ესმერალდა (ტუკი) ბრენდიბაკი
German Esmeralda (Tuk) Brandybock
Greek Εσμεράλδα (Τουκ) Μπράντιμπακ
Hebrew אזמראלדה (טוק) ברנדיבאק
Italian Esmeralda (Tuc) Brandibuck
Japanese エスメラルダ (トゥック) ブランディバック
Kazakh Эзмералда (Тоок) Брандйбұцк (Cyrillic) Ézmeralda (Took) Brandybuck (Latin)
Persian اسمرالدا (توک) برندی‌باک
Russian Эсмеральда (Тук) Брендибак
Serbian Есмералда (Тук) Брандyбуцк (Cyrillic) Esmeralda (Tuk) Brandybuck (Latin)
Ukrainian Cyrillic Есмеральда (Тук) Брендіцап
Urdu ایسمیرالڈا (ٹوک) برینڈیبک


  1. The Lord of the Rings, Appendix C: Family Trees, Took of Great Smials
  2. The Lord of the Rings, Appendix C: Family Trees, Brandybuck of Buckland