The One Wiki to Rule Them All
The One Wiki to Rule Them All
The One Wiki to Rule Them All
! This content is considered pre-canon.
While the subject of this article is based on official information, it was replaced or emended in later stages of the legendarium.

Cwén was the first wife of Ælfwine/Eriol in earlier versions of J.R.R. Tolkien's legendarium.


Cwén married Ælfwine/Eriol, and they had two sons, Hengest and Horsa.[1] Cwén died while her sons were still children, prompting Ælfwine/Eriol to leave his home and travel to Tol Eressëa.[1][2]

In other versions[]

In another version of the legendarium, Cwén was born in Cornwall.[3][4]


In Old English, Cwén means "woman, wife".[1]

