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The One Wiki to Rule Them All

The Coldfells in The Lord of the Rings Online

The Coldfells were a hilly region located to the north of Rivendell.

Aragorn II's grandfather Arador was captured in the Coldfells and slain by Hill-trolls.[1]

In adaptations[]

In The Lord of the Rings Online, the Coldfells are located in the southern portion of the Ettenmoors. The region contains a keep called Tirith Rhaw that can be controlled by either the forces of Angmar or the Free Peoples of Middle-earth.


Foreign Language Translated name
Danish Koldfjelde
Finnish Hallatunturit
German Ettenöden
Russian Стылые холмы


  1. The Lord of the Rings, Appendix A: Annals of the Kings and Rulers, I: The Númenórean Kings, (v): "The Tale of Aragorn and Arwen"