The One Wiki to Rule Them All
The One Wiki to Rule Them All
The One Wiki to Rule Them All
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This article is about the feature concerning The Two Towers film. For the documentary concerning The Fellowship of the Ring film, see Cameras in Middle-earth.

Following Warriors of the Third Age, Cameras in Middle-earth is a documentary about the filming and production logistics of The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, a film whose production posed larger and more widespread tasks than its prequel. The documentary, found in disc four of the film's Extended Edition, was directed by Michael Pellerin and spans an hour.

"[Peter Jackson] could've only had, what, three or four hours of sleep for about fourteen months. [He] never threw a moment's fit of displeasure or annoyance or petulance or anything like that."
John Rhys-Davies

Commentary is given by actors and crew members on many unique challenges, such as the method for operating Treebeard's body when he grasps Merry and Pippin, Andy Serkis' performance as Gollum plunging down a cold stream (in the first Ithilien scene), and stuntmen rehearsing the charges and combat of the Uruk-hai army for many nights under artificial rainfall in heavy armor, for the Helm's Deep scenes.

Personnel featured[]
