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Bruno Bracegirdle was a Hobbit of the Shire.


Bruno was the first child and only son of Blanco Bracegirdle and Primrose Bracegirdle. His younger sister was Lobelia Sackville-Baggins, who hated Bilbo Baggins. He married an unnamed woman and had two children: Hugo and Hilda.[1]


Foreign Language Translated name
Arabic برونو براسيجيردل
Armenian Բրունո Մեցուկքամար
Bulgarian Cyrillic Бруно Вържиколан
Finnish Bruno Piukkapaula
French Bruno Serreceinture
Georgian ბრუნო ბრეისგირდლი
German Bruno Straffgürtel
Hebrew ברונו ברייסגירדל
Japanese ブルーノ・ブレスガードル
Russian Бруно Брейсгедл
Serbian Бруно Брацегирдле (Cyrillic) Bruno Bracegirdle (Latin)
Tamil புருனோ பிரேசுகர்டில்
Ukrainian Cyrillic Бруно Тугопасок


  1. The Lord of the Rings, Appendix C: Family Trees, Boffin of the Yale