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The One Wiki to Rule Them All
Bindbole wood

As depicted in The Lord of the Rings Online

Bindbole Wood was a forest in the Northfarthing of the Shire.

It stretched from the lands east from Hobbiton Hill all the way till the Brokenborings, and was located between the settlements of Needlehole and Oatbarton.[1]

In adaptations[]

Bindbole Wood is represented in its entirety in the computer game The Lord of the Rings Online.


Foreign Language Translated name
Danish Bindesbol Skov
Dutch Pakkebaai Bos
Finnish Palokorpi
German Bindwehwald
Italian Folteto
Polish Błędny Las
Russian Байндбоул
Ukrainian Cyrillic Твердопнистий Ліс


  1. The Atlas of Middle-earth, Regional Maps, "The Shire"