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The One Wiki to Rule Them All

The Army of the West or Host of the West was the great army prepared by the Lords of Gondor and Rohan to march on the Black Gate, after the Battle of the Pelennor Fields in the late Third Age.


Two days after the council of the Last Debate (March 16, TA 3019), a force of 7,000 men left Minas Tirith. Under Aragorn were 2,000 of those who sailed with him up the Anduin; under Imrahil were 3,500 (probably from among the original defenders of the city); under Éomer were 500 Rohirrim unhorsed, and another 500 horsed; and lastly another 500 horsed swan-knights, Rangers of the North, and the two sons of Elrond: 6,000 men on foot and about 1,000 on horse.

When the host reached the Cross-roads of the Fallen King, the captains stationed a strong force of archers there, to guard against any attack from the East or South.

The host came to the Morgul Vale on the next day. On March 23 the Army exited Ithilien and along the way some 1,000 faint-hearted men who would not approach the Black Gate were dismissed and commanded to liberate Cair Andros. Finally the next day they camped in the Desolation of the Morannon.

At the Slag-hills they were surrounded, and fought the Battle of the Black Gate with less than 6,000 men total, but because of the destruction of the One Ring, they were able to achieve a very decisive victory. It is untold how many were slain; it was apparently a few.

After the battle Aragorn led a force into Mordor to destroy the remaining Orc-holds whilst the wounded, including the Ring-bearers were sent to the Field of Cormallen, where a celebration was held. After this the army returned to Minas Tirith for the Crowning of King Elessar and then disbanded.

