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Alqualondë, also known as the Haven of the Swans or simply the Haven, was the chief city of the Falmari Elves on the shores of Aman.


Location of Alqualondë

The location of Alqualondë

This city was north and east of Tirion, between the Calacirya and Araman in northern Eldamar.[2]

It was built in a natural harbor made of rock on the eastern shores of Aman. Besides the great harbor, it also housed the Tower of Olwë. The city was decorated with pearls that the Teleri found in the seas and jewels that they obtained from the Ñoldor. Until the Kinslaying, the city was one of the most peaceful and tranquil places in all of Aman — truly synonymous with elven bliss. It was always alive with song from the fair voices of the Teleri, and after Valinor became silent with the death of the Two Trees, the only good sounds that could still be heard came from this fair coastal haven.[3]

The city was walled, and the entrance to the harbor had an arch of "living stone".[4]


The Teleri under Olwë crossed the Sea and initially settled on Tol Eressëa. However, after being drawn by the light, the Teleri abandoned Eressëa. In YT 1161, the construction of Alqualondë began by the Teleri, and the Ñoldor under Finwë assisted them, strengthening their friendship.[1]

Swan-haven ships Roger Garland

Alqualondë's swan-ships depicted by Roger Garland

In YT 1495, Fëanor, son of Finwë, rebelled against the Valar and led his household into exile. Accompanied by the House of Fingolfin and House of Finarfin, they came upon Alqualondë, and Fëanor demanded the swan-ships of the Falmari. Olwë refused, thus the Kinslaying at Alqualondë commenced, and Fëanor and his seven sons stole the ships and killed many of the Falmari.[5]

In the last years of the First Age, Earendil and Elwing arrived in the Havens, and Elwing was befriended by the Teleri, who listened to her tales of grief in Beleriand.[6]


Alqualondë means "Haven of the Swans"[7] from the Quenya words alqua ("swan") and londë ("land-locked haven").[8] It should be pronounced al-quah-LON-day.

Earlier versions of the legendarium[]

The first mentions in J.R.R. Tolkien's writings of Alqaluntë and the Kinslaying are given in the seventh chapter of The Book of Lost Tales Part One.

In other texts, the year of the founding of Alqualondë was written as Valian Year 2111,[9] which was likely changed, as the Teleri ultimately are said to arrive during the Years of the Trees. Elsewhere, it is told that Arakáno, the youngest son of Fingolfin, died in the first Kinslaying. This was later corrected by Christopher Tolkien, who stated instead that Arakáno died in the Battle of the Lammoth.[10]

Places in the Undying Lands (Aman and Tol Eressëa)
Places and regions of the Valar ValinorEzelloharGardens of LòrienHalls of MandosHalls of NiennaHouse of TulkasIlmarinMáhanaxar
Pastures of YavannaWells of VardaWoods of OromëPlain of ValinorTwo Trees of Valinor
Other regions EldamarAlalvinórëυAramanAvatharEnchanted IslesHaerastOiomúrëSindanóriëGalathilionTol Withernonυ
Mountains and passes PelóriTaniquetilHyarmentirTúnaCalaciryaCaves of the Forgotten
Bodies of water AfrosBay of EldamarGruirυHíriLórellinShadowy SeasSirnúmen
Cities and strongholds Váli-màrAlqualondëAvallónëFormenosKôrtirionTavrobelρTirionLumbiυ
Houses and towers Cottage of Lost PlayρHouse of the Hundred Chimneysρ Pre-canon • Mindon EldaliévaTower of AvallónëTower of TavrobelρTram Nybolρ
  ρ Pre-canon, υ Canonicity unclear.


Foreign Language Translated name
Arabic الكوالوندي
Armenian Ալկվալոնդե
Belarusian Cyrillic Альквалондэ
Bengali আলকুলদে
Bulgarian Cyrillic Алкуалонде
Chinese (Hong Kong) 澳闊隆迪
Danish Alqualondë (Svanehavnen)
Georgian ალქუალონდე
Greek Άλκουαλόντε
Gujarati આલ્કલોંડ
Hebrew אלקולונדה
Hindi अल्क़ुअलोन्द्ऐ
Hungarian Hattyúk Kikötője
Japanese アルクァロンデ
Kannada ಆಲ್ಕಲಾಂಡ್
Kazakh Алқұалонде (Cyrillic) Alqualonde (Latin)
Korean 알쿠알론데
Kyrgyz Cyrillic Алqуалондэ
Macedonian Cyrillic Алqуалонде
Marathi आल्क्लॉंड
Mongolian Cyrillic Алqуалондэ
Nepalese आल्क़ुअलोन्दे
Persian آلکوالونده
Punjabi ਅਲਕਲੋਂਡ
Russian Альквалондэ
Sinhalese ඇල්කලෝන්ඩ්
Serbian Алквалонде (Cyrillic) Alkvalonde (Latin)
Tajik Cyrillic Алқуалонде
Tamil அழகுஅலண்டே
Telugu అలుక్కుల్లోనుండి
Thai อัลควาลอนเด
Ukrainian Cyrillic Альквалонде
Urdu القولوندی
Yiddish אַלקוואַלאָנדע


  1. 1.0 1.1 The History of Middle-earth, Vol. X: Morgoth's Ring, The Annals of Aman
  2. The Silmarillion, Quenta Silmarillion, Chapter V: "Of Eldamar and the Princes of the Eldalië"
  3. The Atlas of Middle-earth, The First Age, The Elder Days, "The Flight of the Ñoldor"
  4. The Atlas of Middle-earth, The First Age, The Elder Days, "Valinor"
  5. The Silmarillion, Quenta Silmarillion, Chapter IX: "Of the Flight of the Ñoldor"
  6. The Silmarillion, Quenta Silmarillion, Chapter XXIV: "Of the Voyage of Eärendil and the War of Wrath"
  7. The Silmarillion, Index of Names
  8. The Silmarillion, Appendix: Elements in Quenya and Sindarin names
  9. The History of Middle-earth, Vol. V: The Lost Road and Other Writings, Part Two: "Valinor and Middle-earth before The Lord of the Rings"
  10. The History of Middle-earth, Vol. XII: The Peoples of Middle-earth, chapter XI: "The Shibboleth of Fëanor", Notes