Yes. Legolas killed the Fellbeast that a Nazghul was riding (so he could definitelydo serious damage to Alduin, and kill him with a few dozen shots), Gimli has better armor than any in Skyrim, Aragon and Boromir would be stronger than the Dragonborn, and Gandalf would be vastly more powerful than all the wizard enemies in the game combined.
I'd choose a Legendary Weapon, so I could be a great warrior and hero. Like Hercules or Arthur
If he was Eru or a Valar, Sauron would not exist. Furthermore, if Tom was a Valar with the One Ring, a weakend Sauron without the power of the One Ring would definitely not godstomp him.
I chose Moria, as the Dwarves deserve it's bounty.
I haven't read that much about Norse mythology, but that's interesting. Are you from that region?
He surely must have migrated west at some point.
^ only gods of the human race can understand what this dude is saying
Your arguments are constructed poorly.
I made a sarcastic comment of my own, which appeared to have put you off, I'm glad it didn't. Because of the sensitivity of this subject, I thought I must've upset you. If I didn't (which obviously didn't happen) then I am glad 🙂. But anyway, pretty much everyone has said their piece.
"The ability to speak does not make one intelligent". Goodbye
@Icecreamdif that's it you're banned.
I watched them 9 times last year. Absolutely perfect.
@Bonovick19 you're welcome BTW it took a few minutes from me. I appreciate your support.
^ can you explain why you're so upset?
The truth is that there are two, and that's all there will ever be. Hitler haunted this world for a mere decade. Stalin died in a puddle of his own urine after ruling his country for a few decades. Gengeis had the longest reign and control out of them all, but regardless, Sauron's corruption controlled several Empire's that would make the Mongolians blush. Sauron was a hyperpotent, Universe level God who nearly conquered the world twice, and commanded a army of nightmarish power. Morgoth created evil, Sauron's power was divine, and these fools on this poll simply continued Morgoth's work. To be a Dark Lord, you must be above Darkness itself.
Who's Celegorm?
I believe that they were killed at some point before completing their mission.
^ I believe that Variags are supposed to be based off of Mongolians, judging by the limited art of them.
Concerning Hobbits is just such an incredible piece to start off the greatest films.
^ that was very kind of you to do. I feel bad for the poor rat.
They would most likely go wherever the humans go.
Someone better get @Guy who types stuff 1.1 some spice, because bro is cooking 🥶
^ interesting 🤔.