Did you know Galadriel’s daughter, Celebrían, was Elrond’s wife? So Galadriel and Celeborn are Elrohir, Elladan amd Arwen’s grandparents.
43 Votes in Poll
43 Votes in Poll
Not Eru.
Oh boy oh boy
^?? Eru don’t have a father. Probably a Ainur.
Did you know Galadriel’s daughter, Celebrían, was Elrond’s wife? So Galadriel and Celeborn are Elrohir, Elladan amd Arwen’s grandparents.
“He is.” - Goldberry
Celebrían, Morwen, Findulias, Melian, and Lothíriel…
Laketown was fully built back in :)
There’s actually two: Sindarin and Quenya.
And I can do some Orcish and Khuzdul, not to brag.
If only that was worth something on applications…
Glamdring because it glows and isn’t small like Sting.
“I have been put through a few lectures”
Always have friend in me, I’m fairly good with lore and can translate most Elvish :)
I think Bolg should’ve got the villain title.
Also Azog was mentioned, twice.
”Azog who killed your father, Thrór”
“Bolg, son of Azog”
Hallo friend, fellow tark ;)
(orcish word for “man of Gondor”)
I hope he went West with Legolas. I wish John R. R. said of his Fëa.
83 Votes in Poll
Son of Fëanor.
Unfinished Tales states that they either died, became lost to Sauron or started cults in the East upon Morgul arts.
So its intentionally left a mystery.
A simple mistake. Now, please, move on, Sir Perfect.
Way I remember is “Sil-“ (gleam) “mar” (brilliance) “illion”.
I believe this is Quenya.