This is my list of favorite characters, species, movies and books. If you have favorites, feel free to share them:
1. Sauron
2. Ungoliant
3. Glaurung
Elven Races/Sub-Races:
1. The Sindar
2. The Vanyar
Elf: Galadriel
Human: Aragorn (especially in the movies, I like his courage and determination and fearlessness plus his incorruptibility)
1. Valar
2. Elves
Favorite Valar: Varda
Hobbit: Bilbo Baggins (the very first Hobbit ever introduced)
Dragon: Ancalagon
Dwarf: Gimli
Books (both illustrated by Tolkien himself):
1. The Silmarillion
2. The Hobbit
Unofficial Tolkien Book: An Encyclopedia of Tolkien by David Day
Movie: The Return of the King