I was reading Tom Bombadil’s page recently. I was wondering what anyone’s thoughts might be on his origin?
Soooo….what’s your opinions on Tom’s origin?
If you want to chime in and correct spelling, at least add to the conversation. No offense to anyone, but there is too much “negativity” and “corrections” with the “users” on this fandom in my humble opinion; frankly, it stymies conversation.
Like seriously, at least lead in with “I think Tom came from…” and then tack on “oh, fellow fan, it’s actually spelled…”
Like I can appreciate a cynic as much as the next guy, but have some tact.
Thanks for sinking my discussion
Ok, thank you for the correction.
Would you like to discuss your opinions on Tom’s origin story?
Ok, however I wasn’t trying to start a conversation on Tolkien grammar but on Tom’s origins.
I kinda think Tom is just a benevolent spirit from the void who slipped into Erda and learned to sing like the Maier OR he’s a guardian spirit (possibly of Melkor’s discord bc Sauron’s ring had no effect on him) that was sang into the creation of Erda by Eru.
I was reading Tom Bombadil’s page recently. I was wondering what anyone’s thoughts might be on his origin?
I think I’m gonna ask the spouse for them in hardback for Christmas. I know I won’t read them from end to end again, but I just like cracking open the books and reading a few favorite pages. It sucks to lose all your books (and everything else) you spent 40+ years collecting with your spouse. It makes it so hard to ever read again.
It’s an upcoming anime movie directed by the guy that did the Ghost in the Shell SAC anime show. It’s about several hundred years before LotR takes place and is about the Rohirrim fighting of the Dundelings (I believe that’s their name).
@HiddenVale I can be an unapologetic Tolkien Fanboy. I was trying to contrast how Tolkien labored under the want to create a literary masterpiece for his day with its own languages, etc. vs Lucas/SW’s IP being used to generate money on many different levels from its inception. I feel there is a far bigger difference bt expanding on Tolkien’s works (he’s dead and that’s where it is) vs Lucas who sold his rights to his IP.
Yea, I think anyone who says “I’m gonna expand on Tolkien’s work” is a narcissist and they need to write up their own IP and stop poaching
@FH2104 I’m more terrified about Boyens producing. I’ve watched a lot of this guy’s shows and I just don’t know how well they are gonna mesh in production lol. Other than that, it’s prolly gonna look more like a CGI movie than an anime. So hopefully you’ll give it a shot. I’m already thinking about seeing it in theaters in December.
I seriously recommend Ghost in the Shell SAC if you like layered stories
@FH2104 lol, ok we just gonna have to politely disagree a little on this one. Cheers, mate
@FH2104 itll look good and be well suited, I’m thinking like old rotoscope animation on AI and steroids
@FH2104 It’s not right wing or political in any way shape, form, or fashion and you shouldn’t label criticism as such. By doing so you are closing yourself off to any real discussion.
I say “keep my vanilla just vanilla, I don’t like strawberries” so I’m right wing?
I didn’t like the 3rd expansion of WoW so I’m right wing? Gimmie a break.
Also, anyone here should be able to say what they like within reason without someone trying to politicize it.
@FH2104 its being directed by the guy that did Ghost in the Shell: SAC series which is fantastic so it should look good and have some great plot twist
Also, Tolkien never intended for his work to be monetized to such an extent. While I’m sure he’s happy his works are popular and inspiratory to generations, he wouldn’t want someone “bastardizing” his work for their own gain and pleasure…which is what RoP is imho
Edit: this ain’t SW which Lucas sold for billions. It’s different
If you wanna mess up lore and change it just to make a dollar, go to a George Lucas franchise. Anyone who f’s with Tolkien’s work is a narcissist, psychopath.
Go invent your own franchise! Writers are crap now and rehashing anything doesn’t make it better, it’s shows your inability to try new things…and the same for the “new” fans that watch it
Lol, dude even started with a disclaimer though. It’s a discussion about ALL things LotR. I never meant to (intentionally) specify PJ’s first 3 films, rather the entire universe in film, and it was a general question meant to encourage polite conversation. They didn’t say “well, I was watching Dune II and Timothy…” because that would be off topic like a drunken ant eater in a chicken coup. You gotta lighten up bro lol
@FH2104 its gonna be an anime based a few 100 years before LotR about a war bt the Rohirrim and the Dundelings (I think).