My understanding is that the orcs started fighting against each other as soon as Sauron was no longer keeping them in line.
So basically all Aragorn had to do was watch their "society" get torn apart by infighting.
@Fandyllic Just how bad are these inaccuracies?
Are we talking minor errors or serious text altering mistakes?
@WnomchuckS As for Tom Bombadil being an angel, he’s absent minded, indifferent to the wider world at large, and shows no concern over Sauron’s rise. I doubt that fits with how Tolkien viewed angels.
@WnomchuckS I think you misunderstood Tolkien’s intent here.
You see, Tolkien actually disliked allegory in fiction. It’s not that his works don’t reflect his personal philosophy but unlike C.S. Lewis whose works were purely evangelical in nature, Tolkien’s stories existed for their own sake. The religious aspects are not essential to the story unlike Narnia.
I’m not saying his works lack deeper meaning but his views are subtext and not the main point of the narrative.
@WnomchuckS oh sorry.
But what are you actually saying he is? I know he’s older than the elves (that’s just implicitly stated in canon) but that still doesn’t tell what he is.
Basically, what he is a “missing link” to?
That makes no sense at all.
Are you saying that Tom Bombadil is a literal dinosaur? Because he lacks scales.
Tolkien cared very little about making his stories scientifically accurate seeing as middle earth was originally flat.
Tom Bombadil’s presence only makes the mythology of middle earth more complex and does not present any obvious “missing link” to anything. Tom bombadil is simply a completely different kind of creature from anything else in middle earth.
@Fandyllic I’ve made my point I’ll stop now.
@Jordan isle Not true or relvant to anything we just said.
When exactly Morgoth would return was never specified by Tolkien.
Would you please just take a few seconds out of your life to fact check your replies? There’s far too much misinformation in the internet as it is.
@Jordan isle Either way they would not be in Middle Earth at the time of Gondolin’s fall.
@Jordan isle Wizards only came to Middle Earth in the third age.
I hope they do a showing in America at some point because I definely would buy tickets for this.
Good theory but Tom Bombadil never went out of his way to help people.
He’ll help people in need if he sees them but he seems perfectly content to sit in his own little corner of the world, not caring about whatever happens outside of his domain.
And it’s not like the old woods are a popular tourist attraction so he’s not in a great place to aid travelers.
^What’s that one about?
I think I'll buy that. I am interested to see his very early work and see how he grew as a writer.
Well, medieval just works for LOTR.
But if I had to chose, Roman empire. Ancient China is just too different culturally from Middle Earth and Tolkien's philosophy in general.
As for Sauron himself, his exact power is unknown. Best to bring the strongest weapon available and expect lots of trickery and sorcery. Or destroy the ring. Actually throwing the ring in the volcano is your best bet.
The Eye of Sauron is going to be a huge issue. Any large force will be seen, throwing stealth out the window.
Also Nazgûl can inflict intense fear and dread in their opponents. However they do have an aversion to fire, so that could help.
I really hope this won’t become a habit with them. Let them make puns, it won’t harm a thing. If anything, it’s free advertising.
@Aiedaeil because he couldn't do anything else. The Witch King has no soul and very minimal independent thought if any. I doubt it can even take peasure in anything it does anymore. There's simply nothing human left there.
@SilverBunny2000 The eye of Sauron is not his physical form. It’s just his version of a crystal ball.