I tried out hero forge and made Gollum. It was really enjoyable making him. Thanks Logan Flanagan for recommending it. Hope you like my Gollum!
Where's Beren and Luthien
A. Ted Sandyman
Q. Who selected Radagast as an Istari
A. Balin
Q. Who slew glaurung
A. Gollum and Treebeard
Q. Who was melkors greatest servant
A. A hobbit
Q. Who brought the valar into existence
A. A hobbit
Q. Who brought the valar into existence
A. Túna
Q. Who swore an oath to retrieve the simarils
Q. Who's Tom Bombadidil's wife
A. Gollum
Q. Who fought of shellob when Frodo got hurt
I meant valar
Q.who are the false?
I meant oakenshield
A. Radagast
Q. How did Thorin Lake shield die
I tried out hero forge and made Gollum. It was really enjoyable making him. Thanks Logan Flanagan for recommending it. Hope you like my Gollum!
Did anyone realize when Sam left it said all the ring bearers had left middle earth even tom was a ring bearer because he owned it for a short time
I know
The stomach of sauron could digest his food. The lungs of sauron could breathe for him and hand of sauron could move his chess pieces
I was wondering if shellob could rise up and terrorise middle earth or if she died in another book please tell me what you know.
It mentions it in the silmarillion in the part about the rings of power
I was wondering what age Tolkien's books are for because I'm 11 but I've read the lord of the rings,the hobbit and the silmarillion and I know adults who find reading them difficult. Thank you for any feedback