I look forward to this more than the second season of ROP. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/new-lord-of-the-rings-movies-2026-peter-jackson-1235894513/
Basically, I like all the armour from the LOTR trilogy (Sauron and the Witch King Angmar's armour is a particular highlight for me, as well as the Uruk Hai.)
I would have voted for Gondor's armour, but since the Rhún (Easterling) is role this vote, I prefer to vote for the latter because it is both unique in design and formidable.
@HiddenVale That's kind of what I thought.
@Immediate need Yes, I too am thinking of the Mongol Empire and the Tartars, based on their description and fighting style (as far as we know).Although some of the drawings and paintings reminded me of the fighting styles of the Huns and the pre-Hungarians.It is amazing to think how many cultures and people groups Tolkien had at his disposal to create this world.
@HiddenVale Yes Variag is what they are called thank you.Well, since they are quite mystical and Tolkein hasn't written much about them or their language, it would be hard to say what my name would be.Although Easterners would give some kind of clue for the language, I cannot answer this question at the moment.
Men. I could be a Rhún soldier, or a warrior of the Khand Legion.
@FH2104 I agree with you on a level, although that's not exactly the story I wanted to see in this war.There is no problem if we focus on female characters and the inclusion of women and girls in Tolkien's stories is a good direction just don't push it too far.I hope they won't...
@WizardWarrior1 I agree.I had similar thoughts in my head when I watched the tralier.I'm not saying we don't need a story like,but that's pretty much what we always see in fantasy,history etc.By the hundredth time it's boring,and I wouldn't have wanted to see a story like that in Middle Earth with Rohirim.
This anime style is not really good.Regardless, let's hope they put together a good story.But I like the soundtrack.
@ElvenViolinist I am the same way:)
From the list for me Aragorn and Arwen.But actually, my favourites are still Tauriel and Kili.(Laugh if you want.)
As with all LOTR content, I'm looking forward to this one.Especially because Philippa Boyens is involved. But I do have some concerns though because it's going to be an anime.
@Lord Admiral Thrawn The answer lies in the first sentence of the article: ''The first film, which will center on the character of Gollum, has Andy Serkis set to star and direct.''
@WnomchuckS I agreed with you,I don't think there's much need for cameos, but if it does happen, I'll be happy (like all LOTR fans).
@Fandyllic Well as I said in my first comment, the title may indeed be a cliché, but if it bothers you that much I'll change it.
And yes, I too am hopeful that we will get a great film, and indeed there is a lot of source material available.
Edit: I cannot change the title sorry.
@Telcontar88 I agree with you about the film and what you said about the ROP.Let's hope for the best for the new film.
@Telcontar88 1: Well, I was afraid to generate controversy with this.The LOTR movies really are better and nothing can beat that level.Although the Hobbit trilogy does have its flaws, I still think that PJ has made a very entertaining trilogy, even if LOTR is obviously better and more epic.But I accept that the examples you listed can be confusing:I had no problem with the rabbit-sleds, I thought they represented Radagast's somewhat, funny role well. However, I agree that Gladariel is a bit exaggerated.Especially since she seems that she is stronger than Gandalf (which is not possible). Still, I like Galadriel's character (not the ROP version).
2: Yes I too would like to see mad Gollum, and his back story more fully developed.And yes I've seen Hunt for Gollum which I thought was a brilliant fan film!
I realize that "we were saved" is a bit of a cliché, but let me tell you something.I see and think that Amazon has failed to understand Tolkien's world.The one who has adapted it well (in the LOTR and Hobbit films) is Peter Jackson.According to the article, Andy Serkis will not only play Gollum but will also direct the film.The writers will be Philippa Boyens and Fran Walsh, and Peter Jackson will produce.So everything is in place to make a good movie.Honestly, this is the one I'm most looking forward to out of all the upcoming LOTR projects (even more than War of The Rohirim).So We'll be provided with LOTR content, but i hope not at the expense of quality (as happened with Star Wars.)
I look forward to this more than the second season of ROP. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/new-lord-of-the-rings-movies-2026-peter-jackson-1235894513/
Oh very nice,congratulations:) Unfortunately, I know less about games, because to play them, I need a good PC...
The honesty is that my opinion is also based on the fact that the Witch King of Angmar is an inherently evil entity. But there are some good ideas I see.Come to the LOTR Fanon Wiki and we can talk about them there. @Godzillavkk @Drour1234