Why couldn't the Eagles just fly Frodo and the rest of the fellowship to Mount Doom? (Discuss below)
(she's my legit sister for the record)
Hey sis!
@HiddenVale hi, thank you for the link to the legitimate reason. Also I would like to point out that @Nori Charles was making a joke, you don't have to be so uptight about it
Why couldn't the Eagles just fly Frodo and the rest of the fellowship to Mount Doom? (Discuss below)
Should I steal my sister's copy of LOTR
Thank u
Thank man I appreciate that. Also I was at barnes and noble a few weeks ago and saw some books about like other stories from middle earth (that might have actually been name of the book) and i was wonder if I were to read then where should I start?
They were haunted by the orcs until near extinction by the way
Is it the dude who jumped of his palace in flames in return of the king? Idk his name. He almost killed his son, but that was because he thought he was dead.
I've been here for a little bit and wanted to say that I've watched the movies, but haven't read the whole book series, so I don't know so much about the whole history of middle earth or the side characters and stuff like that. So should I read that kind if stuff, or like learn the history and stuff? Ps I read most of the Hobbit, is that also "covered" in the his fandom or is it just LOTR.
Yeah I don't like when hollywood takes classic books, make em movies, then messes up the good stuff from the books😠
What's the silm
Let's go!
I am (I know you weren't asking me btw)
And it depend on the child as well
It all depends on what kind of parent you are, my parents let me watch it when I was a toddler (I think, I know I saw it when I was in the 1-5 year age)
What show is this?