Or do you think he's more of a victim, a hero in a very weird way, or something else entirely? I have my own opinion on this, but I want to hear what you think!
Nope! The Grey Havens was a port where ships left that carried the elves and others to the Undying Lands (at least in the TA). The Undying Lands are Valinor, home of the Valar and other immortal beings. After Numenor was destroyed in the SA, the only people who were allowed to journey to the Undying Lands were elves. However, due to their status as ringbearers, Fordo, and later Sam, were allowed to depart for Valinor from the Grey Havens. Gimli went along with Legolas when he made his journey there in the Fourth Age.
Fellowship is my favorite book
@Brave Hobbit What @ArwenUdomiel said. Which it is pretty cool that his writings are still being published 47 years after his death!
What do trolls eat
How to fight a troll
Safe caves in my area
How to know if there is something in my cave
Best ways to divide up treasure
How to write a memoir
Annnd I could finally log back into my old account. 😂 Sorry guys!
Ungoliant and Shelob!!!
@Nerdywhiteboy Awesome!
@Legolas Greenleaf-son of Thranduil That's my favorite of all time!
Haven't heard of them before. Thanks for mentioning them!
Haha! I got a keychain precious last week.
Andy Griffith and Barney Fife!
And read the books! 😎
Great answers so far!
@Benjy987 I would like to, just didn't see an option on there for that.
Or do you think he's more of a victim, a hero in a very weird way, or something else entirely? I have my own opinion on this, but I want to hear what you think!
@LOTRIsTheSwordOfLife and @ChXiZh Spot on!
Thank you! Good to know I wasn't going crazy, lol.
Quick question and its one I know the answer to, but I'm not 100% certain about. I am almost positive that Frodo carried the One Ring on a chain around his neck, but I couldn't find that anywhere when I looked. I know its a really dumb question, but I thought I was certain about it, and then I couldn't find it, so I thought maybe I was imagining it. So did Frodo carry the ring on a chain, in the book, not just the movie?
Here's a popular discussion post on the topic from about a month ago:
I couldn't summarize it anybetter than this wiki already did, so I will just quote it below:
"Saruman, being a Maia, did not truly die. His spirit separated from his body much like his master Sauron's after the Downfall of Númenor. As an incorporeal spirit, he should have been called to the Halls of Mandos, but the tale implies that he was barred from returning. Tolkien indicated that his spirit was left naked, powerless and wandering, never to return to Middle-earth:"
@LoreWalker22 Now I understand your point, and I completely I agree. And you summed up that message in Tolkien's stories perfectly!