158 Votes in Poll
Thanks so much for all of your replies. They helped a lot!
Yeah, Duolingo has a High Valyrian course as well, so they aren’t limiting themselves to “real world” languages. But I once read (I can’t remember where, sorry) that Sindarin is too complicated for Duolingo, and that if it would ever show up, that it would be a very hard course. But, my knowledge of Sindarin is pretty basic, so I don’t know how accurate that statement is.
I didn’t include Gandalf because then, he would be the most obvious choice and I was only curious about Galadriel and Elrond 😇
I can’t think of any reason why it would be physically impossible for Elves to make rap music (if that is what you meant with your question) but I don’t think it suits their overall culture.
158 Votes in Poll