209 Votes in Poll
@Johannes02 Every one have their options. :) So my option is Sackville Bagginess were neutral at first so he met Nazgul before evil S. B.
@Consultant Who Still the correct answer is Nazgul. S. B. are not evil, they some kind of neutral or anti-heroic which is not counted as evil.
So the correct answer is Nazgul!
And who votes for Shelob love that comment.
Sorry that question is easy.
209 Votes in Poll
And Celeborn.
I also know Gil Galad but I forgot to add him.
I know Legolas, Arwen, Garaladriel, Elrond, Thranduil, Tauriel, Glorfindel, Celembrian, Cirdan, Haldir, Haldir, Hildor, Erestor, Finrod, Feanor, Luthien, Mandos, Lorien.
Character: Gandalf! Race: Maiar!
Fellowship of Legolas! ^_^
Faramir & Eowyn
Saruman is right. Orcs are disgusted elves. In a chapter of Two Towers book there is a chapter called «Treebeard». In it Treebeard mentioned that trolls are copies of ents just like orcs are copies of elves.
@H dub Rozibin , actually it is unknown is he an orc or a goblin in the books! In The Hobbit it says that he is goblin, and in Unfinished Tales he is orc just like in movies.
He thought he died because he had no shelter.
Thanks for the answers!