Hey guys! I just wanted to share my collection of The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, and The Silmarillion material. Feel free to post your own! I currently have The History of Middle-Earth box set, a hard cover set of The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, and The Silmarillion with custom dust covers, and six books pertaining to the grammar, syntax, writing, spelling, conjugation, and composition of Quenya and Sindarin (two of which are elvish to English dictionaries). The four additional marble notebooks contain meticulous notes on the entire Silmarillion, the Appendix of The Lord of the Rings, and Tolkien linguistics. While The History of Middle-Earth is the most comprehensive, detailed, and complete account of Tolkien’s life work (that I’ve ever seen), there are still a few novels edited by Christopher Tolkien (J.R.R.’s literary heir) that I haven’t collected yet (i.e. The Fall of Gondolin, The Children of Húrin, Beren and Lúthien, and The Unfinished Tales etc.). Each of those stories are already contained in The History of Middle-Earth, but I imagine the narratives are different and more detailed. What are your favorite Tales of Middle-Earth and why? Let me know in the comments!