65 Votes in Poll
65 Votes in Poll
143 Votes in Poll
142 Votes in Poll
Make a estimation for how many free peoples were at the Pelennor fields.
Base it of this:
6,000 riders of the mark
3,000 or more in Minas Tirith
Less than 3,000 from the south
500 of the citadel
When I say “Estimation” I mean, how many (in exact numbers) were there.
Did the people of Gondor know of the existence of the Valar and Illúvatar?
This is by the time of TA 3019 (Lord of the Rings)
We know for sure that the Gondorians of nobility knew of the Valar, when Frodo is captured in Ithilien one of the rangers says “may the valar be with them” after killing one of the Haradrim.
But would they know the deeds of the Valar? Or just see them as Eldar lore?
^answer in comments.
Whilst reading LOTR most can’t help but wonder how many Dúnedain and Elves are left in Middle Earth. So if you were to give a number, how many do you think there were in places like; Gondor, Arnor, Lothlórien, the Woodland Realm, Lindon, ect. ?
134 Votes in Poll
157 Votes in Poll
368 Votes in Poll
The final map... (Unless I do another one)
This one I didn't tea stain... I used my writing ink instead. What do you all think is better?
220 Votes in Poll