ARoyalPrincess·2/22/2020in GeneralIf you could live in 3rd age Middle-earth, where would you live?The ShireRivendellLothlórienRohanGondorThe Lonely Mountain/Dale/LaketownVote220 Votes in Poll(Edited by ARoyalPrincess)The ShireDaleRohanGondorRivendellLothlórienLonely MountainElvenking's HallsLake-town
Gautier Talar·11/3/2019in GeneralWhich one of those regions (people, cities...) you'd have wanted Tolkien to write more about ?Esgaroth / Dale & surroundingsIron HillsBlue Mountains / Lindon / ForochelDorwinion / RhûnEnedwaith / Minhiriath / Dunland / Eryn VornNear-far Harad / KhandVote132 Votes in PollDale