74 Votes in Poll
No, you don't necessarily have to prefer one of the choices. That could certainly be the case, but it could just as easily depend on personal preference between certain words from certain languages. I don't have to prefer a certain language when it comes to referring to locations, although I certainly could. In other words, the poll would have to have some sort of "both" option to cover that, in which case it becomes irrelevant.
@Crystal Vulptex If you take issue with my comments, then you are perfectly free to not respond,
And once again…Quenya gets no love. 🥹
@WizardWarrior1 They're not missing the point about their own question lol
I was going to say that anybody who uses the Sindarin names in normal speech (as much as any of these are relevant to normal speech) is mad, but obviously, if Barad-dûr counts then I'm wrong. I'm not even certain I knew it had another name: isn't Black Speech meant to be more or less unpronounceable unless you're an Orc?
But Weathertop and Rivendell, 100%. In Middle-Earth we are the hobbits, not the elves.*
* And before somebody (probably Fandyllic) says that clearly we're actually the race of men, what I'm talking about here is audience identification. The hobbits know about as much about this quest as we do, which is only what Gandalf tells us. They're our eyes and ears in this world, so we should probably be using the same words for things as they do, unless they're ridiculous.
Missing my point, not theirs. Perhaps I wasn't clear enough either lol.
@FH2104 Thats a good point. The books were written Hobbit perspective.
I always usually use native tongues for places names.
@Crystal Vulptex was Wizard right or do you think some can have no real preference, generally have a preference for 1 of the 3, or can prefer all equally. If you use one naming scheme more than others, it seems that is a preference regardless of your conscious motivation.
Lastly, do you agree that your poll was pointless?
I was simply wishing to see what your most common names you use.
And really, all these polls are purposeless because this is all about a fictional story and has no bearing on real world.
Even polls about non-fiction stories have no more bearing on the real world.
@Fandyllic Who said it did? These comments are utterly baffling.
No surprise there. Polls that are confusing receive comments that are equally confusing.
What do you think?