Who is your favourite character and why.
Samwise. He carried the whole journey ngl, or at least carried it after they split off from the rest of the fellowship
@Aiedaeil I have the same figure
@Durnehviir God of Death myyy babyy
(actually melkor and feanor is)
@Aiedaeil Sau Sau!
Its hard to choose, but I've always really liked Gandalf.
Definitely Feanor
@BiancaBeast same :D
Bc I can relate
Top favorite among my many faves
Silmarillion Luthien for obvious reasons
And my bff reminds me of her and vice versa
Legolas because he is the first elf in a while to befriend a dwarf. and he is just plain cool. Now, I know people will definitely disagree with me. My Coach did! But, alas, this is just my own opinion.
What do you think?