Yeah because he did a fantastic job as Legolas in the Lord of the Rings franchise movies/Video games
Considering the success of the movies it's definitely a low ball, but I doubt he complains since it propelled his career immensely.
Just so happened to stumble upon this just now; the clip that is discussed in the article.
Orlando doesn't seem to mind the pay at all.
Yeah, that's where the article got their story. So far no one has given any interesting answers, but I kind of expected that.
Yea, actors pay on projects is a weird thing. I'm an actor myself (not a famous one, obviously) but one of my first experiences on a set I was chit chatting with some people and I said "not a bad way to earn *** dollars." One of the other actors was shocked, as his role was being paid way less. An older actor pulled me aside later and gave me a great piece of advice; "best not discuss wages. It's different for everyone."
Most often it's to do with hours worked, screen time, and amount of dialogue your character has. Not to mention the budget. Once you start becoming an actor of note, your price tag goes up as your involvement is considered to help sell the project.
Just my 2 cents! :)
Yup, it is very complicated... for the well-known actors they argue about contract riders, credits, residuals and all that stuff. I worked peripherally in the entertainment industry and it seemed overly complicated.
What do you think?