When and how did you first read, watch or hear about The Lord of the Rings/Hobbit/Silmarillion (or any other work by Tolkien)?
When and how did you first read, watch or hear about The Lord of the Rings/Hobbit/Silmarillion (or any other work by Tolkien)?
Originally, I was assigned to read The Hobbit for school in 6th grade. When I told my aunt this, she got me a fancy leather-bound boxed set of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings for Christmas. But plans changed, and I didn't have to read The Hobbit after all. Because I felt bad that my aunt had spent the money to get something I wasn't going to read, I decided to try to read it anyway. Unfortunately, The Hobbit couldn't intrigue me, and I stopped. Sometime later, I tried again, and I still couldn't make it past the first few chapters. So it wasn't until a full two years after my aunt gave me the books that I made up my mind to read.
I read The Hobbit, but as much as I wanted to like it, I just thought it was so-so. Thankfully, I decided to press on and read LOTR anyway. I wasn't very impressed until I hit the part where the hobbits meet Strider in Bree. That part hooked me, and I fell in love with the whole thing from that point on. I read the books and watched the movies simultaneously, and then right afterward I went on to read The Silmarillion. Middle-earth literature is now one of my all-time favorites, and I have never looked back from reading. It is a great regret that I did not get into Middle-earth sooner!!
U should of read the Similarion 1st
^i read the Silmarillion after both The Hobbit and LOTR and found no issue with it : )
Nice 🙂
My brother was a big fan and after he died when I was about 8 or 9, I started to read them and loved them.
@ARoyalPrincess Same here, at first I couldn’t get in to it either.
@Mithril Tinu I wish my middle names where inspired by LOTR, but I have enough middle names as it is.
The first time i watched lotr i was like 5 and it scared the living shit out of me so i never watched it again until last year and my god,, i was missing out
Me and my dad read it together from a very young age and I saw the movies with him as well.
What do you think?